How To Play:When you first start the
game, you will see the title screen, with it's
semi cool 3D fractal surface animation. In
general, clicking on a screen will step you to
the next screen in a cycle:
Screen, where the moderator will pick and
see described one of the available
missions. If you click on the screen, you
can zoom in on a target (which is cool).
If you drop in on a game in progress, you
can click on the name of a player and
orbit them instead. This is actually
'spectator mode' and you can watch the
bullets fly.
Screen, where you actually fly your
mission. Generally you spend most of your
time here. If you get 'splashed' (shot
down), you will be resurrected as soon as
your plane hits the ground. This mode
continues until the mission objectives
are met, or the moderator pushes the
EJECT button. If you push your OWN EJECT
button, you will be removed from the
mission and will have to re-enter the
server to join back up. (Or wait for the
moderator to start the next mission)
Screen, which appears at end of your
mission and describes the results After
this, it is back to the MISSION screen in
an infinite loop! This is also a
spectator mode, so if you EJECT from the
mission, you can sit here and watch the
remaining players slug it out.
While in the
FLIGHT Screen, you will be piloting a Cessna with
a jet engine. The engine is initially off, so you
will start falling unless you turn it on. You
control your throttle with the PGUP/PGDN buttons
and your throttle is shown as a percentage on the
Heads Up Display (HUD). Yep, you can go higher
than 100% (at 100% you have achieved true cessna
full engine. Above that and you are using your
jet engine)
If you have a JOYSTICK,
use the Options Dialog, or Right-Click menu to
enable its use. It's more fun with a joystick. If
you do NOT have a joystick, turn OFF the option,
or else the Keyboard controls will not
Holding the
SHIFT button while pressing a numpad key lets you
look out of different windows of your plane
(Shift-8 for front window). My favorite is
SHIFT-ZERO which switches to a 'chase plane'
view. If you are using a joystick, press and hold
the second joystick button (not the trigger) and
you can swoop your view around the plane. Here's
a screen shot from the chase plane:

You'll notice
along the right are three square displays.
The Top
Cell shows time left in the current
mission (or time spent flying if the mission has
no time limit). It also shows some tell-tales
which are your window into the panic of flight.
When they flash, you need to react.
- LOCK means
someone has a radar lock on you
- MISSL means
a radar-locked missile is heading for you
- DMG means
you are damaged. Flashing red means 'a
More to come
later, like 'PULL UP' and chaff/flares, etc. This
window is also where you will find your EJECT
button. This removes you from the mission
completely, so don't push it unless that's really
what you want!
The Middle
Cell shows an image of your current
target, as it would look if you looked straight
at it from your current position (and had a zoom
lens). It's like a super-zoomed auto-tacking TV
image of the target. It's cool. Enjoy it. When
chasing another plane, it can give you extra info
about what direction the plane is turning (often
your view out the window shows other planes as
The Bottom
Cell lets you pick your target, which
can be a GROUND target, an AIR target, or a NAV
target. The NAV targets are things like friendly
runways and aircraft carriers. The other targets
are defined by the mission profile. But you can
pretty much blow up anything. A mission SUCCEEDS
when all the GND targets have been destroyed and
FAILS if all the NAV targets get destroyed
(somewhat of an over-simplification.. but
basically if you are a good guy, you should
attack GND and AIR targets and not NAV targets).
Once you have
selected a target, a needle will appear on the
compass bar along the top. Turn until the need
lines up with the center arrow and you are flying
right towards the target. The DME meter tells you
your distance from the target. The D meter below
that will sometimes tell you the difference in
altitude between you and your current target.
There are three
basic weapon types: Kinetic [F1], Missile
and Bomb [F3]. If you press F2, for
example, you will switch to missiles. If you were
already in missile mode, pressing F2 will cycle
to the next missile (you have about 4 different
flavors, varying with laser/radar/heat
Ditto for F3 and
the several flavors of bombs you have.
F1 is just your
20mm cannon. Someday you'll get laser bolts, I
Use the joystick
trigger to fire the current weapon (or keypad
ENTER if you don't have a joystick.. and
if you have a laptop... um.. you're probably
screwed at the moment.) Cannon fire just goes
straight out from the nose of your plane (and
falls with gravity). Missiles track either by
radar or heat and will do better if you keep the
square box 'target cursor' on screen. Under the
DME it will say LOCKED if you have a lock on the
target. Don't change targets while a missile is
in the air, or it will lose lock (it won't change
All the weapons
are super powerful at the moment, to make up for
the frustration of the difficulty of flying.
Most of the keys
work both in Joystick and Keyboard mode. Note
that several keys are to be used on the NUMPAD
(not the main keyboard). And they assume you do
NOT have NUMLOCK turned on. Generally, the arrow
keys will NOT work while in joystick mode. (at
which point the joyStick performs those flight
Right-Click |
up popup menu (to turn joystick on/off) |
PageUp/PageDown |
your Throttle percentage. (0 - 100%) |
Arrow Keys |
your plane, when not in joystick mode |
and right rudder control |
Trigger button for non-joystick
mode |
'5' |
Re-centers all control surfaces (in
keyboard mode) |
Arrow Keys |
View Direction (keypad Shift-8 for front) |
keypad 0 |
Plane view |
Arrow Keys |
Chase Plane camera position |
F1 |
Cannon |
F2 |
Missiles |
F3 |
Bombs |
Button 1 |
for current weapon |
Button 2 |
Hold to
set chase plane position (SHIFT for
distance) |
- Someone
starts a server and people join it
- The
moderator sees a list of mission names,
and picks one
- Everyone
sees MISSION MODE showing that mission
- They press
JOIN MISSION if they want to play
- Moderator
presses START MISSION when enough people
- All players
see FLIGHT screen and start to fly their
- Newcomer to
server sees MISSION mode, which includes
seeing the current players flying around
as tiny little dots (spectator mode).
Click on names to orbit specific players.
- Newcomer
presses JOIN MISSION to drop into mission
in progress
- Kills/Deaths
counters keep track of 'splashes'
- You decide
to shoot a fellow player. You click AIR
to show list of AIR TARGETS. Then click
on name of target. The COMPASS now has a
target needle which guides you to the
target. The DME in the hud shows name of
target and distance from you (and feet
above/below you)
- You press
F2 to select missile of choice (note: as
of .0005, missiles are unfairly lethal).
- You press
trigger to launch missile
- It tracks
your target (if you change target, it
will lose lock)
- Your target
is destroyed (and you have one less
missile in inventory)
- Splashed
plane loses all control and pilot just
rides it down into the dirt. As soon as
it hits the ground, it is immediately
re-born (with a full load of weapons)
some distance above the place it crashed.
- You reload
your weapons by landing on a runway (or
- Once the
mission criteria have been met, it ends
either in SUCCESS or FAILURE. If you were
playing as a bad guy (defined entirely by
your actions) then you revel in the
FAILED mission.
Well, you should
get a copy of MS Flight Simulator, and learn
there (and then come back and laugh at synJet). I
am pleased with the synJet flight dynamics in the
sense that I wrote them all by myself, didn't
cheat (only forces of thrust, gravity, drag, and
lift affect the position of your plane) and they
sort of work like other flight sims.
However, it's
not the best flight sim on the planet... yet.
In general, it
is probably easier to fly with JoyStick. And the
greatest challenge is to land on one of the
carriers (I made the 3D models by hand with
pencil, but check out that carrier! The Theodore
Roosevelt, I mean. The Enterprise is just a box)
- Set your
engine power (PgUp/PgDn). 100% is nice
for a climbing cessna.
- pitch
up/down to keep nose level with horizon (tap
DOWN arrow a couple times)
- watch
altimeter for clues as to rate of climb
- watch
'angle of attack' (AoA) in HUD. Too big a
number and you lose all lift (you stall).
(tap UP ARROW a couple
times to move nose back down)
- If you
stall, put your nose down until your
speed comes back, then pull back gently
(keeping your AoA low... Your AoA will
spike if you pull back too suddenly --
you will 'lose the laminar flow')
- To turn,
don't be afraid to use your rudder. The
compass is still a bit dodgy when you are
tilted. Sorry.
- If you are
spinning crazily, use
the numPad '5' key to re-center all your control
Unlike a car or
spaceship, airplanes mostly fly themselves if you
give them half a chance. You will mostly want to
keep your controls in a 'neutral state' (let's
call that 'centered') and then make only minor,
and temporary, corrections.
For example, to
lift the nose of your plane, you don't want to
hold the down arrow key for a long time. You just
'tap it' (and count the taps, because to recenter
the control you will need to tap it the same
number of times in the opposite direction.
This is
generally why people go screaming out of control,
they lose track of their control settings and
leave the plane in a mode where it is constantly
trying to turn around one access or another.
Once you are in
a panic situation, do this:
- press
numPad '5' to re-center all your controls
- wait for
the plane to stabilize
- pull-back
(tap DOWN ARROW) very GENTLY and wait for
plane to react.
- as the nose
gets close to level flight, tap UP ARROW
as needed to cancel out your previous
down arrows.
Remember, the
controls do NOT simply rotate your plane. They
move a control surface which rotates your plane
based on its contact with air. Centering your
controls does NOT return the plane to level
flight, it just stops rotating it, leaving it in
whatever weird angle you had it in. You then have
to apply OPPOSITE controls to undo the damage.
Aside from the
difficulty that comes from not actually reading
all these boring words, I accept that the flight
model is imperfect and nothing you do will make
it perfect. However, it IS possible to keep the
plane in the air.
Basically, a
synJet plane works like this:
- You point
the plane in a direction
- gravity
pulls your plane straight down
- your engine
pushes your plane in the direction it is
- lift pulls
your plane 'up' (in the direction above
your head, so if you are upside down,
lift actually is pulling you DOWN)
- drag slows
your plane down AND straightens your
plane 'into the wind'
So, the actual
direction you are traveling is seldom as simple
as just the direction you are pointed. (use the
right-click menu to SHOW FORCES and then get into
CHASE PLANE view, and you can watch these forces
as little lines. Green is lift, purple is drag,
red is actual direction you are moving. Yellow
lines show your plane's frame of reference)
Lift is your
friend, but tempermental. In general, wind moving
fast against the wing makes lift. As you increase
the 'angle of attack' of the wing to the air
motion, you get even MORE lift. Until you go too
far (losing the laminar flow, so to speak), at
which point you lose all lift until you get the
plane back in the groove (hint, nose down and
watch the AOA meter. When it gets back to 0, then
pull up as needed to avoid crashing).
Your plane can
rotate on three axes:
- It can
PITCH the nose up or down. The up/down
arrow keys control this. The control
surface for this is the 'elevator' (the
little 'wings' back on the tail section.
It's like having a little plane in the
back, and when it goes 'up' it rotates
your nose 'down')
- It can ROLL
the wings around in a circle (one wing
goes up, the other goes down) The control
surface for this are your 'ailerons' (the
little flaps at the back edge of each
wing. They go in opposite directions and
affect the relative lift/angle of attack
of the wings. So the wing with more lift
goes up, the other goes down, and you
throw up.)
- It can YAW
the nose left or right. This is much like
steering a car. Your control surface for
this is your RUDDER (a little flap on the
vertical wing thing at the back of the
plane, actually). That vertical wing also
makes lift, but normally, with the rudder
centered, its angle of attack is 0 and
makes no lift. Depending which way you
bend it, it makes lift either to the left
or the right, pushing the tail section of
the plane to one side or the other, which
you perceive as the nose facing a new
direction. Use numPad
INS/DEL for rudder control, even in
joyStick mode
Normally you
leave all your controls CENTERED (use numPad '5'
to center them in keyboard mode. Let go of the
joystick to center them in joystick mode)
When you move a
control, you start a rotation. That rotation just
keeps on going until you re-center the control.
So tap the rudder once, and you start to YAW like
crazy. Tap it once the other way and the YAW
So the trick is
to deflect your controls for just a moment, until
the plane is pointed the right direction, then
recenter them.
The reality is
that the plane will over-fly probably and you
need to start stopping your rotations before
you're actually pointed the right way, otherwise
you will go to far.
If you just hold
down the arrow keys, you will leave your control
surfaces all over the place and the plane will be
in a constant rotation in all three axes at the
same time. There is a little meter on the lower
left which shows your current control surface
settings. It looks like a centered PLUS SIGN when
your controls are centered.
Now, just
because you rotated your plane to point the
direction you want to go doesn't mean it is
actually going that direction yet. It's still
traveling like a rock in the original direction
(that's called INERTIA, look it up!) But your
engine is now pulling in the new direction and
eventually the plane will be mostly going in the
new direction as well.
Also, doing a
ROLL doesn't really make you turn, it just puts
your plane on its side. (In fact, while on your
side, the LIFT force is only partially keeping
you UP, and partially pulling you sideways, but
it's still not a 'turn' in the sense you were
thinking.) The RUDDER does more of a turn-like
operation, but really you need to both ROLL *and*
YAW smoothly at the same time to execute a nice
turn (and muck with your power, as well, if you
mean to stay at the same altitude)
This is where
JET MODE comes in. Jets basically don't rely much
on lift, when you come right down to it. They
just have engines that are so freaking powerful
they can just go straight up without needing to
depend on nasty old lift. Similarly, to turn in
jet mode, you just ROLL until your destination is
'above you' and then PITCH UP until your nose is
pointed at your destination, and then ROLL back
to level your wings (if you care).
But even JET
MODE needs lift, to make that PITCH UP bit work
well, Pull back too hard and your angle of attack
goes up, you fall out of the laminar flow and
bang, you're stalled. So don't pull back too
hard. And if AoA is climbing, nose down again to
keep it in control. In a real jet, you would also
be experiencign deadly G-forces, which would
further encourage you to not pull up too
Now, I say JET
MODE as if synJet has such a thing. Basically
just use the PgUp key until your power is in the
thousand percent range. More to come on this
- Making a
Fractal Terrain sheet from a single
random number seed. I have discussed this
before in the synVista notes
- Using
simple forces to model flying... I make
no claim that my math is the best
implementation. In fact, I guarantee it
is NOT. However, it's somewhat
entertaining that simple modeling of
force vectors makes behaviour happen that
somewhat acts like an airplane.
- Describe
Mission file format