Well of Souls
Rocket ClubCompany:
Synthetic Reality
Contact Us
What Is
A Golden Soul? A Golden Soul is a token of my
appreciation given to those players who donate
$25 by clicking on one of the logos below (links
lead to secure transaction pages on the specified
sites -- I never see your credit info at all):
(sorry, Google
Checkout no longer supports purchases with
'donation' in the description) |
Seriously, What IS
A Golden Soul? Oh... it's an activation code
which you type into your copy of Well
of Souls,
and which then sets your soul ID to a personal
value. It looks something like this:
SOUL00128374663F34D (subCode
The same code
also works for the games Arcadia, and Rocket Club, so you get tons of
value from your donation!
I send it to you
via email after
receiving your donation! It's easy! You can tell
who has one, because their name appears in GOLD

Um, I
don't think you understand my question.... Why do
I WANT One? Oh, well... it's not like that.
It's just what you get when you donate $25. You
should only donate $25 if you have already
gotten $25 of fun out of the game. You don't need
to have a Golden Soul just to play the game. The
game is free.
Of course it
costs me money to run it, and hence the begging
for donations. Plus my general love of money, I
it? A Golden Soul Doesn't let me DO Something
Special? OH! That's what you want to know!
Yes, there are a few practical advantages to
having a Golden Soul, other than it simply
turning your name a golden color in the player
list of the game.
But those
advantages aren't the real reason to donate. You
should only donate if you've enjoyed the game and
can afford the $25.
OK... if it's not too much bother, what ARE those
practical advantages? Oh Sorry, you'd probably
like to know that wouldn't you? Well, of course,
things change all the time, but as of right now,
here is a list of the extra benefits you enjoy
when playing Well of Souls:
- Your
character name appears in Gold
Text in the player list.
- You have my
appreciation for your donation.
- The
activation code can be entered into any
copy of WoS, making it easier to move
your game from one PC to another.
(But remember, two computers with the
same soul ID cannot play at the same time
on the same server)
- This is
also useful if you need to reformat your
hard drive on your existing computer and
want to continue using your existing
characters without them being marked
as modders. (note:
A Golden Soul can NOT 'repair' a broken
- You get
unlimited use of certain "Golden
Demo Features" like the Monster
Radar (which otherwise only
works for a brief demonstration period...
well... 1,000 hours for the monster
radar, but that's an unusual case.)
- Maybe
someday there might be other Golden Demo
Features... maybe.
- You get to
use the "/monsters"
command without getting marked a cheat.
- You don't
have to see the 20 hour
advertising popups when you
enter the well. (Shown once after each 20
hours of gameplay.)
- You can talk
to your pets (start your line of
chat with their name)
- You can see
who is on a MIX server before
you connect.
- You get a slightly
cooler icon on the player list.
- World
Developers can choose to treat you
differently in their worlds.
- If WoS ever
does stop being free, you will have
already paid...
I warned you the
list didn't have anything all that special on it.
Your donation should be based on love, not some
sort of greedy anticipation, don't you think?
And, in case
you're interested, Arcadians also see some extra
benefits in Arcadia. Um.. like:
- Your
character name appears in Gold
Text in the player list.
- You have my
appreciation for your donation.
- Maybe
someday there might be Golden Demo
Features... maybe.
- You don't
have to see the 20 hour
advertising popups.
- You can see
who is on a MIX server before
you connect.
- If Arcadia
ever does stop being free, you will
have already paid...
Um... er.. you
know... and some junk.
Right! Sign me up! I've played the game over 100
hours already, so I must be enjoying it, in spite
of your obvious lack of salesmanship skills! Either that, or you have
a serious masochistic impulse, but I appreciate
your donation for any reason. Just click one of
those links up at the top of the page and you'll
be on your way!
I lovingly craft
each Golden Soul by hand, so please don't freak
out if it takes 24 hours for it to arrive in your
Thank you! -
or Google? Are those the ONLY ways to donate? Well, yeah. Cash in an
envelope, attractive as it sounds, doesn't give
either of us the security or instant
gratification we deserve! Checks involve way too
much standing in line at the bank. And don't even
MENTION International Checks, my bank charges $35
just to deposit one of those.
Whether you
donate to Synthetic Reality or not, your life
will be improved by having a PayPal account. It's
the way of the future... join us.... join us...
one of us.... one of us...
Oh Hey,
is there anything else you think you should tell
me about Golden Souls? Well, just that after
paying $25 for one, you probably want to keep it
for yourself, right? So if someone asks you what
your activation code is, or if they ask you for a
copy of a file you don't recognize, DON'T
GIVE IT TO THEM. If you give them your
hero files, your activation codes, or whatever,
then they can BECOME you.
You don't want
that. And remember: no refunds and no
(you didn't donate until AFTER you had your $25
of fun, remember? If you give your code away, it
will cost you $25 to get a new one.)
No official
representative of will ever
ask you for your code or any encrypted files.
Keep your secrets to yourself and protect your
investment! Beware of strangers offering candy!
Oh, also, a Golden
Soul is not a
license to do bad things. You can still be
gagged, banned, etc. for inappropriate behaviour.
It's not
a get-out-of-jail-free card. If you were
banished for poor behaviour, you
will probably remain banished
no matter how many golden souls you buy (but your non-refundable
donations will be doubly appreciated in
that case!)
My Code? I have been waiting 24 hours already! While possible (I do get
sick from time to time), it rarely takes more
than 24 hours to send you your activation code.
So if you have been waiting a long time, the
possible explanations are:
- PayPal/Google
never saw your donation (they will send
you an acknowledgement email in response
to your donation)
- PayPal/Google
never told me about it (I haven't seen
this yet, but it's possible I imagine :-)
- I died, and
forgot to tell someone.
- Your
donation included an incorrect email
address (it happens..)
- You have an
email spam filter which is blocking my
email to you
- The
Mysteries of the Internet swallowed one
of our emails.
The solution is
to send me an email directly (contact
using the email account you used to make the
donation, since that should also unplug your spam
filter, if needed.
But please don't
just wait patiently for days and days, getting
ever more angry with me :-) Unless you think I
died, in which case you should tell my wife. And
I sure hope I am joking.
forgot my code, can you re-send it to me? Codes are registered to
email addresses. So if you can send me a request from
the registered email address, I can usually
re-send your code back to the
registered address.
contact us
But you don't
want to depend on my ability to do that, so treat
it like any other important ($25 important) thing
in your life. Print it out, keep it someplace
safe. If you completely lose it, and no longer
have access to the registered email address,
well... there's plenty more where that one came
from, and I could always use another donation!
note: I never see your credit card info
myself (That's what PayPal et al are for), so
please never send me your CC# in an email in an
effort to identify yourself, thanks!
Google Note:
Apparently google offers you some sort of email
redirector thingamy so that your real email
adress is not handed out. This is great,
fantastic, and wonderful. But please understand
it means I can probably never re-send you your
activation code, so save it in a REALLY special
that I have a Golden Soul, can I share it with
other players? Um. No.
are the one who made the donation, you
should be the only one using the code. If you
designate your donation as a gift for someone
else, be sure to not use it yourself (and please
register THEIR email address as the registered
While it is
understandable that you might have more than one
computer in your life and you would like to use
your code on all of them, if a code is seen in
use on too many PCs, it will get de-listed.
Remember, if you share it with one special
friend, they will probably share it with 50 not
so special friends. Encourage them to make their
own donation if they crave a golden name.
A golden soul IS
NOT REQUIRED to play the game. It's a voluntary
donation. Don't donate if you haven't been
entertained by the game. It's supposed to be a
badge of honor, let's work together to keep it
that way!
- Dan
this guy says he isn't using his GS any more, can
I use it? Would you buy a used bridge from
this guy? Aside from the basic immorality of
posing as someone who made a donation when you
really haven't, bear in mind that you have no
idea if the GS really belonged to him in the
first place.
If that GS gets
de-listed, you will be LOCKED
OUT OF THE GAME until you get a legitimate Golden
Soul of your own. Then that makes me feel bad
because I feel like I am forcing you to pay to
play, which I don't like the feeling of. In fact
you are forcing yourself to pay for your greedy
acceptance of a free lunch (when you weren't even
The game is
free, you do not NEED a Golden Soul. Don't just
grab one off the street. Choose to donate or not
donate, but take the high moral ground. Don't be
a thief. Be a philanthropist instead!
Oh, and just
because you don't have a Golden Soul doesn't mean
you aren't a really super special person. It just
means you haven't donated. And that's perfectly
OK. I want a Golden Soul to really mean "I
donated to WoS." Please help me keep it that
Thanks Again!
- Dan