Guilds and Tournaments
Use this forum to advertise for new guild members, and challenge other guilds to battle. But don't just carry out a war of words in here (no profanity, please). Prove yourself in battle, instead!
WoS Skinners Forum
Making a custom skin for your characters in WoS is one of people's favorite features. Perhaps there is something fun to say about it here...
Chat and Announcements
This is the right place to announce your comings and goings, and direct posts to specific friends. But keep the flames to a minimum, please!
Negative Energy and Hacking Reports
This is the elephant's graveyard for posts which I just don't like to look at, and yet I know people get upset by my deleting immediately.
The Crypt of the Ages
Here is where I stick the posts I cannot bear to delete... Things of historical significance. All the stuff *I* posted, I mean :-)
Archive: Read-Only Forum
WoS World Developer Tips
Past gems from the World Developer Forum, which deserved to be preserved.