I figured I would post a lot of standard solutions in this topic.
Most of your questions about script commands are probably answered already in: Quest Dictionary
If you have questions about stock cookies you should check: Stock cookie list For those of you who are clueless what cookies are or what you can do about them you can click on this link: The basics of cookies If you just clicked on this and you're completely clueless about how to make a world then go to Idiot's Guide To WoS. If you have questions about skins then it might be wise to ask them in the skinning forum, my collegue Kumata will be happy to help you out there.
I'll be going through the forum and post here a lot of the help that was previously given by world developers in the past to others who were seeking help.
If a new topic shows up which isn't handled in here yet then I'll post the relevant replies with the question in here too. That way we'll get a FAQ that keeps growing and hopefully improving, ultimately leading to the best help for starting world developers. (At least I hope!)
If things are unclear or you need more explaining then please post a reply and we'll help you out as fast as we can.
If you're completely new at world developing you should check the option Download new worlds and download HowToMakeWorlds made by Gametweeka. It should help out a lot at explaining how things work. If you want a good beta test/ world dev tool to help you make your world you could use proxbeta I'm currently working on a more improved version of this tool, but it's taking a bit longer then expected.
Small note: I'm looking for a full list with all map making programs and I'm hoping that Makarei could help setting up tutorials about how to use these programs. Since we don't have a mapper/ art forum we'll use this topic for those purposes too.
S E A R C H T I P To find information fast use Control+F and fill in your search word. Remember that this topic has several pages, if you can't find it on page one then search through page 2. If you still can't find it then use another term. After that you should make a post and request the info you want.
Shops... what is a Shop? Basicly a Shop is a scene just like every other scene, only shop scenes are special cause they have the OFFER command in them. Basicly the OFFER and OFFER2 command are the shop, everything else is just for fun. In short a shop scene can be just 3 lines: SCENE 50 OFFER 1 END
In my other post I gave a complete explanation about the scene, the actor etc. I'll skip that part now, I could post about it later if needed but I think you can find it out for yourself.
Basicly you have 2 types of real shops and you could make your own "shops". I'll explain the real shops first.
OFFER command Shop 1 is made with the OFFER command, the OFFER command allows you to sell certain item ID's. Also you need the OFFER command instead of the OFFER2 command with certain items, for example pets and seeds. OFFER commands work like this:
You want to sell item ID 1,4,500,617 and 490. All you have to do is this:
SCENE 50 ; Here you could put actors, stuff the actors say etc. ; The shop won't appear till you use the OFFER or OFFER2 command OFFER 1,4,500,617, 490 END
A nice varation to make shops randomly sell items would be this script: SET sellA, %R25 SET sellB, 22%r9 SET sellC, %R100 SET sellD, %R5%R99 SET sellE, 5%R99
OFFER #<sellA>,#<sellB>,#<sellC>,#<sellD>,#<sellE> END
sellA randomly sells between item ID 1 - 25 (Item ID 1 is the lowest item ID it would offer and item ID 25 the highest.) sellB randomly sells between item ID 221 - 229. sellC randomly sells between item ID 1 - 100. sell D randomly sells between item ID 101 - 599. (%R will never give 0 as a value, the lowest it will give is 1.) sellE randomly sell between item ID 501 - 599.
If items don't show up then this can happen for 3 reasons: 1) The item ID doesn't exist. (You haven't have made this item yet, therefore it can't be sold.) 2) The item ID has GP cost set to 0 or lower, in that case it won't be sold. 3) sellA and sellC or sell D and sell E happen to sell the same item, but because it will only show up 1 time in a shop it looks like 1 item doesn't get offered.
OFFER2 command When you enter scene 50 now then you'll sell these items in your shops. As you can understand it's a lot of work if you want to sell certain ranges of items, like all potions from level 1 to level 25. Because of that Samsyn added the OFFER2 command.
The OFFER2 command works like this: SCENE 50 OFFER2 <start level>,<end level>,<item code> END
In the example of selling all potions from level 1 to level 25 the script will look like this: SCENE 50 OFFER2 1,25,0 END
In case you also want to sell all swords (right hand 1) from level 55 to level 85 you'll have to add this code: SCENE 50 OFFER2 1,25,0, 55,85,12 END
In case you want to sell all items ranging from level 5 to level 15 your script will look like this: SCENE 50 OFFER2 5,15 END
In that case you don't have to put in a third argument.
Note that you can only put up a certain amount of items you can sell with the OFFER2 command, I believe this amount is 13 or something? I'm not sure about how much it exactly sells. Also you can't sell over a certain amount of items, I think this limit is near 100 (not sure, didn't take time to count them) all items after that just won't appear. Meaning that if you offer all swords, all bows and all shields in evergreen the script will stop showing up items halfway all shields.
Note also that in order to sell items with the OFFER2 command you must have set both GP and FP, if the FP is set to 0 you can still sell it, but only with the OFFER command.
A neat shop trick that always sells the right equipment for somebody is this script: SCENE 50 SET shoplow, "#<num.hostLevel>" SET shophigh, "#<num.hostLevel>" SUB shoplow, "5" ADD shophigh, "5" OFFER2 #<shoplow>,#<shophigh> END
This script will always sell all items 5 levels higher and 5 levels lower then the scene hosts current level.
If you want to make shops sell only armour 5 levels lower/ higher then your current characters level then just change the script to:
OFFER2 #<shoplow>,#<shophigh>,11 END
If you also want to sell helmets then change the script to: OFFER2 #<shoplow>,#<shophigh>,11,#<shoplow>,#<shophigh>,10 END
I'm sure you can figure out the rest yourself.
Shops that aren't real shops Now the last type of shops, the shops you make yourself.
Generally this is just a lot of code, if you want to sell a certain quest item (in this example item ID 100) in combination with item ID 67 and 89 you could make a script like this: SCENE 50 ACTOR 1, "Pirate",scum, 4,20,80 1: Howdy do matey. 1: If you want to be a pirate I suggest you buy my items. 1: Just click on me for the shop! END @eventActorClick1 1: I see you're intrested eh? MENU "Quest item=@quest","Dead shark=@item67","Pirate Head=@item89" END @quest 1: So you want to buy the %I100 eh? 1: That'll cost you 500,000 GP!! N: Do you want to buy this item? (YES/NO) ASK 30 IF YES, @questyes 1: Har har har, I'll feed you to the sharks now! END @questyes IF -G500000,@notenough 1: Here you go matey. HOST_TAKE G500000 HOST_GIVE I100 END @notenough 1: Are ya trying to trick meh? 1: You don't have enough money! END
@item67 You want to buy this %I67, it costs 600 GP? ASK 30 IF YES, @item67yes 1: Argh what's wrong with these pirate wannabe's thesedays! END @item67yes IF -G600,@notenough 1: Here ya go matey! HOST_TAKE G600 HOST_GIVE I67 END
@item89 1: You want to buy this %I89, it costs 500 GP? ASK 30 IF YES, @item89yes 1: Argh what's wrong with these pirate wannabe's thesedays? END @item89yes IF -G500, @notenough 1: Here you go matey! HOST_TAKE G500 HOST_GIVE I89 END
With the quest item you could also add in some token protection and such. Self made shops basicly give an item in return for taking money. Self made shops give you infinite freedom to ask more or lesser GP for items, for example you could make a blacksmith script that asks more money for items when the hosts character ages up more, or lesser money if you have a certain bargain skill that goes up. There a lot of possibilities.
More info about the shop commands can be found in items.txt just above the pet item ID's. If you have more questions then post them and I'll see what I can do for you.
Other replies about this subject were:
Oh, non non! The way OFFER2 works is: OFFER2 <minItemLevel>, <maxItemLevel>, <itemClass> (If you want more oinformation, go to the quest lingo syntax, or ask here)
So, the way to check if a player is level, for example, over 20, would be the following, You need to use cookies on this one:
ACTOR 1, "Seller", joshtownsfolk, 2, 25, 75 ; Sets up the actor COMPARE #<num.hostLevel>, 20 ; compares the player's level with number "20" IF> @isover20 ; If the first value (player's level) is HIGHER than the second one (20), it goes to @isover20 OFFER 1, 2, 3, 4 1: Here are my potions, come back when you are level 20, and i'll offer the items 5, 6 and 7! END
@isover20 OFFER 5, 6, 7 1: I see your level is higher than 20 now, you can buy my items! END
So, if player is level 1-20, it will offer items 1, 2, 3, and 4. If the player is level 21-100, then it will offer 5, 6, and 7.
A lot in here is the same as in the previous described topic, but pet shops can be a little more confusing then normal shops. I found the answers to this question in my search for the previous topic.
To make a pet shop you first need to make pets, after you made those you can just follow the descriptions for making normal shops. Remember that you can't sell pets with OFFER2, only with OFFER.
How to make pets? It's pretty easy, first you'll have to make the monsters, cause pets are basicly just monsters. It doesn't matter which monster ID's you use. How to make monsters is described in monsters.txt in your world folder.
Pets are offered as items, so you'll need to make items that give you a monster. I recommend using item ID's 1024 and above, the highest item ID you can use is item ID 5119.
First you'll have to put in the name of your pet, this shouldn't be to hard. In evergreen they have the very inspiring names Cage #1, Cage #2, in RoT they have the same name the monsters have, personally I prefer the last method because it's more user friendly to see what you're dealing with when you push the shop button.
After that you have to put in item code 200 (this one is for pets only, item code 21 is shield, item code 0 potions, code 4 for tickets etc.).
Now comes a confusing part which took me a few hours of finding out how it works when I first got started with this subject. The next number you have to put in is the monster ID of your pet. Instead of putting in an item pic number as you normally do, you have to put the monster ID at that place. That may sound simple now, but it's probably the largest problem of getting a pet to work effectively.
The rest of the item is standard, just give it a nice price, and FP 0 (after all pets are unfindible, you got to buy them).
To summarize the main problems when making a pet: 1) You need a monster first (That isn't placed on any maps!) 2) Instead of putting an item picture in the item line, put in the monster ID.
If you still have questions feel free to ask them.
Often a world developer likes to have a little special extra thingy for him- or herself, to make sure it stays special you'll have to soul ID protect it.What you could do to keep it simple is something like this:
Make a class for yourself, you propably want one of those anyway.
Let's say you take class ID 21 for yourself and the other 20 classes are public. you have to hide class 21 with HIDDEN_CLASS (also use START_ELEMENT_PP and START_HAND_PP with some nice stats on this class, you'll need that because of a wos bug)
What you also want is a ban map, for example map 99, you can use the previous maps for world maps. You'll have to set map flags 261576
For the example script I'll use item ID 1000 and 1001 as special item you want to keep for yourself and spell ID 600 and 601. You also might want to protect a few tokens, with those tokens you could enter certain links and stuff. Let's say token 800 and token 801.
To finalize the example we'll use 2 different soul ID's, gs 1800 (not sold yet) and normal soul ID 5FE40013 (made it up randomly)
Both these souls are allowed to get on this special class and have the special items, spells and tokens. What they have to do first is incarnate on normal class. Then they'll both enter a scene with the following script: SCENE 900, japan, SCENE, "Empty Place",0,0
COMPARE #<num.PeopleInScene>, "1" IF> @tomany
STRCMP #<str.soul>, "SOUL 1800" IF= @special STRCMP #<str.soul>, "5FE40013" IF= @special END @tomany END ;or if you have an actor you could make it say that there are to many ppl in the scene. Now the scene just stops. @special SET num.hostClass, 21 HOST_GIVE I1000 HOST_GIVE I1001 HOST_GIVE S600 HOST_GIVE S601 HOST_GIVE T800 HOST_GIVE T801 END
Okay, both soul ID's received their special stuff now, now to make sure that it stays special you need to put to following script lines in SCENE 1 and SCENE 2, your camp and fight scenes. SCENE 1
IF I1000-C21, @ban IF I1001-C21, @ban IF S600-C21, @ban IF S601-C21, @ban IF T800-C21, @ban IF T801-C21, @ban IF C21, @protection @camp END
@protection STRCMP #<str.soul>, "SOUL 1800" IF= @camp STRCMP #<str.soul>, "5FE40013" IF= @camp GOTO @ban END ; This would be your camp scene if you don't put anything else in your camp scene.
You fight scene changes a little bit in the first part: SCENE 2
IF I1000-C21, @ban IF I1001-C21, @ban IF S600-C21, @ban IF S601-C21, @ban IF T800-C21, @ban IF T801-C21, @ban IF C21, @protection @camp FIGHT END ; The fight command gets added here.
This script will proof to be extremely effective against, hackers, modders, world breakers and cheaters. Modders can get on your class and delete the protection script, but they will end up playing in a different version and can't enter ppl's camp in the legit version so that's a sort of ban too.
; SCENE 100 is the scene ID ; hospital is the name of the jpg background pic in your scenes folder ; SCENE is the scene code (You can choose from SCENE (most used), WELL(only used in SCENE 0) and CUT ; (only used for special scenes)) ; 0,0 = fx,weather, you should check QUEST DICTIONARY - SCENES for more info about this.
ACTOR 1, "Doctor",docskin,4,20,80 ; ACTOR 1 is the actor ID ; "Doctor" is the name of the actor, it will show up as Doctor though. ; docskin is the bmp name of the skin file in your monsters folder ; 4 is the skin frame selected (in normal skins 4 is the chat frame) ; 20 is the X ass where your actor will start ; 80 is the Y ass where your actor will start. ; For more info about ACTORS check QUEST DICTIONARY - ACTOR
1: Hi, I'm the local doctor here, let me heal you. ; you can make him say whatever you want.
WAIT 4.0 ; in this case healing would require 4 seconds, don't make this to long or to short or it will be annoying.
GIVE L1 GIVE H5000 GIVE M5000 ; the commands have been explained in the previous post, note that you first have to rez ; ppl by giving them L1 because else they leave the scene with only 1 HP and maybe with 0 MP (dead ppl can't get MP)
END ; VERY IMPORTANT! Never forget to END a scene else you will end up running all your scenes till the script finds an END command or GOTO EXIT command.
A small variation which you could do on your heal part of the script is this:
This script will only rez the host of your scene, but will give in return always the hosts max HP and max MP. This could be very useful if your classes first have with 3000 HP at level 100 and your scripts give 3500 HP at max and later you change your classes to 5000 HP at level 100. Right now they wouldn't get fully healed if you don't change your heal scene to GIVE H5000, however with that script I gave you they will always get fully restored.
Working with cookies can be hard though if you don't understand what you're doing, so you can stick with the normal scripts until you got used to using WoS some more.
For the full explaining about actor events you should check the quest dictionary.
@eventActorAttack1 (for actor 1) does not work when you don't have a weapon equiped. This is probably because WoS can't set an item ID in that case. Each time you hit an actor with a weapon or throw an item then the cookie #<> is set to the last used weapon/ item, same goes for @eventActorSpellnn. If you hit an actor with a spell then the cookie #<> is set to this last used spells id.
@eventActorSpellnn does not work for spell/all. If a heal/cure/disease/buff/damage all spell hits an actor then the script will not see this as an attack and won't even do anything, it's like you never even used the spell. This will not get fixed in WoS either, at least that's what Samsyn said the last time I asked him about it.
@eventActorClick cancels out every action you're currently doing. In some worlds you have the lock used in mc guyver, when two people are PKing each other the current hit gets canceled when you click on the lock to lock the camp. This also goes for the use of spells and items.
All events except for @eventActorClick work for everybody, not just the scene host. If a party member attacks an actor then your #<> gets set to his/her used weapon. This also goes for spells and items. In RoT you can see this happening in the Drunken Iori quest, were party members can kill Iori by hitting him, or healing him with spells/ items. This is probably important to know if you made it optional to "kill" actors in your world, but you don't want party members to screw up for the scene host.
As far as I know this were all the known problems regarding actor events. If you have know more problems then please post them and I'll add them here.
[posted questions regarding this subject:] Question: how can I make A @eventactorattack1 event trigger when You attack with A wepon that casts spells (Dragon Staff for example) And A different event if you cast it from the spells pannel?
Answer: You can't, you need to trigger @eventActorSpell1 for that.
Changing your class to another class is only 1 script line, but before you can change classes you probably first want to know what class to change into.
All the classes you made are in levels.txt. Every class starts with the line: XX00,0, 0,0,"Class name", <magic ratio>, <prefered hand>
XX ranges from 1 to 88, that is the class ID you'll need when you're going to change your class.
Changing classes is probably most effective when you made the class you want to change in a hidden class, to do so you just need to add this line between the first class line and between the sub class level names; HIDDEN_CLASS <level>
Putting a level number behind hidden class is optional, if somebody changes into that class then you can level him down, leveling up is impossible like this though. For example somebody is level 50 and you morph him into a new class with the line HIDDEN_CLASS 25, his new level will be 25. If you want to morph somebody who's level 50 in a class with the line HIDDEN_CLASS 75 then his level will stay the same (he might not morph at all, I haven't really tested it yet).
You now found out the class ID you want to change into and you want to morph somebody in his new class, all you need to do is to set the num.hostClass cookie to a new class ID.
For example you want to change to class 5, to do so just type this script line: SET num.hostClass, "5"
That's basicly everything. I hope my explaining didn't make it look more difficult then it actually is... If so then feel free to post a reply here and I'll try explaining it an easier way.
A few things you should keep in mind when changing to another class; Morphing does not work when you want to morph somebody into a class that has the lines MAX_WALLET <wallet size> and/ or NO_GIFTS. If you're in a class with these class restrictions then you won't be able to change into another class either. More info about classes can be found in levels.txt, basicly everything is explained in there.
As usual the best way to learn how to script is by just trying things out.
Hey silver, I think GS 1800 IS sold allready, because I have Gs 1839, and they get sold in order dont they? and I bought it a few months ago.
-------------------- Taste the rainbow, eminem has nothing on me :) Skittlez, a.k.a. §pawn Posts: 93 | From: c4L!4N!4 | Registered: Oct 2003
| IP: Logged
Ok, here is alittle guide for everyone who uses bryce to create there map's. i've notice a few ppl asking about stuff related to bryce and maps so i decided to use some of my worlds towns as an exmaple on how to get quality and brillant maps without wasting too much time within bryce.
firstly before going into bryce, it helps to make sure your settings background setting are on 32bit color, the reason for this is so that we can see our true color when making our maps. if we use 16bit color and paste texures on we loose some color. i know most or a few of you use 16bit color in wos. and thats ok. but when making a map it is advised we use 32bit color cos we are after all going to save our map to a jpg. keeping all our color nicely stuck within that image. so even on 16bit we still get thoughs prime colors that were in 32bit. it's alittle confusing i know.
now we can begin. open bryce and construct a map, preferable use you imagination to its best, create the map that will best suit the place or area of your world. example i want to make an ice map, so i would only use objects that would most likely be commonly found in the snow terrain. hills etc.
i've created a foresty city, i have made sure i havent over done my map. this is important, most ppl over do there maps and thus makes it costly with bryce renders. which i will show a trick to advoid these costly times waiting for a map to finish rendering.. sigh..
once you have finished your map to the way you want it. using the top menu where you find file tab, edit tab, etc etc, click on file. and select document setup. set the resolution of you document to 2400 x 1800 and click the tick button at the bottem. this will enlarge you map to some stupid size.. now lets render our map, before we do make sure your render settings are set only to defualt render. nothing else. depending on you machine speed this should take only a few minutes, on mine 50seconds.. once your map has finished rendering, click file then save as imagne, click jpg format, give it a name and make sure you include X4 at the end of you image name. exampleX4.jpg and save it to a folder. then save your map. to br5 file. close bryce.
Now using a paint program, this does not mean using ms paint. this paint program is stupid for bryce map making. use something like paintshop pro etc. open your map exampleX4.jpg and resize the image to /4 (divided res by 4) so a 2400x1800 map would need to be resized to 600x450. a 800x600 map would need to be resized to a 200x150 map and so on. try not to go too low cos it will effect prformance of your maps.
once you have resized your map, to 600x450 save it as a jpg and make sure you DO NOT! include the X4 at the end of it. and save it to the same folder as the X4 one. close your paint program
then using your mouse move both images to your wos world map folder.
Set up your map name in your map text. example:
1, example.jpg, Exam, "example town", 0, 27
now go into wos. and look at your map. if it looks pixely. try turning on the two options related to maps within thewos options. but in this case i didnt need too.
the finished result looks like this:
When making maps try to create effects, like my grass efect.. simple and easy to do just need a grass texture use a camara go outside, get down on your hand and knees and face the camera to the ground. "veiw looking at the ground" and take a snap shot. then scan the image into you computer using a scanner. import it into bryce as a 2d pic, use little golden man on bryce interface menu. once texute is in bryce, click edit and save as a material. the texture what ever you want to have the grass effect
let me know if you have any prob's. or questions.. i'll do my best to answer them.. in the best possable way my brain will let me hehe
ok have fun!
-------------------- 7 Years almost done. Posts: 1040 | From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2001
| IP: Logged
Of course both maps are differnt, cos i was working on different maps at a time.. so dont ask why they different.
Also something i forogt to add to my last post. the reason why we do default render is because it saves time, and doesnt make our maps look super smooth. there is no point making maps super smooth, because they look unrealistic. say i made a ruin, why would i do a super render to hide all those little jaggy edges? i want to keep that effect. it would look more real to have tiny jaggy edges then to smooth it. however ice map say a crystal cavern then smoothing you could do. but dont over do it.
-------------------- 7 Years almost done. Posts: 1040 | From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2001
| IP: Logged
Can someone tell me whats wrong with this scrpiting cuz it wont bring me to SCENE 125
;___________________________________________________ SCENE 103 OTournament, SCENE, "Tournament Entries" MUSIC .mid ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 IF T220, @1 IF T220, @2 IF T210, @3 IF T200, @4 IF T190, @5 IF T180 , @6 IF T170, @7 IF T160, @8 IF T150, @9 IF T140, @10 IF T130, @20 IF T120, @30 IF T110, @40 IF T100, @50 1: Would you like to Enter The Arena? 1: Please click me to enter... END
@eventActorClick1 WAIT 1.0 MENU "Fight A =@A" WAIT 1000.0 END
IF WIN @heWon ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Please Try Again next time...
@heWon MOVE 1, 30,80 HOST_GIVE T100 ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Cangratulations you have won.. END
@50 GOTO SCENE 123 END @40 GOTO SCENE 124 END @30 GOTO SCENE 125 END @20 GOTO SCENE 126 END ;_________________________________________________________________________ SCENE 123 OTournament, SCENE, "Tournament Entries" MUSIC .mid ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Would you like to Enter The Arena? 1: Please click me to enter... END
@eventActorClick1 WAIT 1.0 MENU "Fight A =@A", "Fight B =@BB" WAIT 1.0 END
IF WIN @heWon ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Please Try Again next time...
@heWon MOVE 1, 30,80 GIVE T100 ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Cangratulations you have won.. END
;_____________________________________________________________________--- SCENE 124 OTournament, SCENE, "Tournament Entries" MUSIC .mid ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Would you like to Enter The Arena? 1: Please click me to enter... END
@eventActorClick1 WAIT 1.0 MENU "Fight A =@A", "Fight B =@BB", "Fight C =@CC" WAIT 1.0 END
IF WIN @heWon ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Please Try Again next time...
@heWon MOVE 1, 30,80 HOST_GIVE T120 HOST_TAKE T110 ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Cangratulations you have won.. END ;__________________________________________________________ SCENE 125 OTournament, SCENE, "Tournament Entries" MUSIC .mid ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Would you like to Enter The Arena? 1: Please click me to enter... END
@eventActorClick1 WAIT 1.0 MENU "Fight A =@A", "Fight B =@BB", "Fight C =@CC", "Fight D =@DD" WAIT 1.0 END
IF WIN @heWon ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Please Try Again next time...
@heWon MOVE 1, 30,80 HOST_GIVE T130 HOST_TAKE T140 ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Cangratulations you have won.. END
;_________________________________________________________________ SCENE 126 OTournament, SCENE, "Tournament Entries" MUSIC .mid ACTOR 1, "Amy", joshTownsfolk, 25, 25, 90 1: Would you like to Enter The Arena? 1: Please click me to enter... END
@eventActorClick1 WAIT 1.0 MENU "Fight A =@A", "Fight B =@BB", "Fight C =@CC", "Fight D =@DD", "Fight E =@EE" WAIT 1.0 END
quote: IF T220, @1 IF T220, @2 IF T210, @3 IF T200, @4 IF T190, @5 IF T180 , @6 IF T170, @7 IF T160, @8 IF T150, @9 IF T140, @10 IF T130, @20 IF T120, @30 IF T110, @40 IF T100, @50
Are you sure that you give token 100 before token 220? WoS will read the first line, excute that and then move on to the next line, it could be that you should put token 100 on top instead of token 220.
I recommend using the /stepper command to find out where the script goes wrong. This command will only work on cheat chars, so just make a beta test character and turn that one into a cheater.
To set music to maps, you need the "music.ini" file first. If you don't have it, you can copy the one from Evergreen. Open it with Wordpad or Notepad.
It goes like this, first the "common" music selection. If the game doesn't find a specific definition for a map, then it will apply this:
[common] fight = mortal ;this midi is played in fight scenes on this map victory = orbwon.mid ;this is the fanfare played when you win a fight. When it's over, it'll play the main map music lost = lost.mid ;this is supposedly played when you lose a fight levelup = funk1.mid ;the music specified is played when you level up after a fight numMidi = 1 ;the number of midi files to be played on this map, you can add a whole jukebox if you like. midi1=scrn_overworld ;first midi to play. there should be as mani midi as specified in numMidi
The same rules apply to individual maps, to be used instead of the common, for example the evergreen main map and Stonehenge:
This post is made after receiving an e-mail with the question about my faster method of balancing classes. I pretty much just copied the reply from that e-mail here.
The /battle command is part of my method, in fact, without the /battle command I wouldn't get very far.
The slow way is that you check every class compared to each other and try to balance all of that. Basicly you're doing a lot of work that doesn't need to be done in that case.
My method works pretty simple, first make 1 standard class, easiest is to use class 1 because that class shows up first with the /battle command.
Then just make all the classes you need to make, keep in mind that if you have a lot of classes some the first class battle reports won't show up, so in that case you need to balance the classes in several parts.
Just type /battle now and let WoS do the calculating. Find the battle reports from the first class (starts with class 1 vs class 1 and ends with class 1 vs class 12 if you have 12 classes, then it continues with class 2 vs class 2, but you can skip all those.)
Just balance class 2 to 0,0 hit advantage compared to class 1, after you get the report that class 1 vs class 2 has 0,0 hit advantage including spell fails you can move on to class 1 vs class 3.
To balance classes you need to higher or lower the HP of all classes after class 1. You could also adjust the hand/ magic ratio's, but most likely you'd end up having the same hand/magic ratios in that case. For example, if class 2 is 0,3 hit stronger you need to take away 500 HP to make it 0,0 hit stronger then class 1. Once you figure out how to balance the HP fast you can balance up to 10 classes within 30 minutes. If you would check all class reports and balance them all 1 by 1 it would take about 3 full days and most likely you still wouldn't be done.
I assume that if class 1 has 0,0 hit advantage vs all other classes that all those classes are then balanced to 0,0 hit advantage vs each other. There might be small minor differences of 0,1 hit advantage/ disadvantage but in PK fights you will hardly notice such advantages.
In fact, as long as advantages are below 1 hit you shouldn't notice any real difference in PKing strenght, although often fights seem to be unfair in that case and the class seems to be to strong. (A good example is a sword user fighting a maxed out scavenger in Evergreen, the scavenger has about 0,9 hit advantage.)
I hope I cleared it up a little and I hope the method is clear enough now described.
im being ignored and deleted. this is the last time im posting on this topic... i just asked a simple question: Is there a way (i cant see one) to make it so that when you walk into a healing scene, the heal scene determines how much health you need, can divide it by two and cost that much gp? same for mp after that? i really need this for my world. please help silver or somebody.
Yes that way exists. The script you need is this:
SCENE 500,
ACTOR 1, "Healer" blabla, 4, 20,80 ; (you probably know that first part anyways so I'll just concentrate on explaining the script)
; To make it easier we'll resurrect the person for free. ; If the person is already alive we'll skip rezzing because else he gets 1 HP for free. IF ALIVE, @skiprez HOST_GIVE L1 @skiprez
; To see how much HP somebody needs to heal you can use this script: SET healHP, #<num.hostMaxHP> SUB healHP, #<num.hostHP> ; this script sets the scene hosts max hp and then subtracts the scene hosts current hp. ; I'll put the script for mp here too: SET healMP, #<num.hostMaxMP> SUB healMP, #<num.hostMP>
; Now I'll set a cookie that adds the total amount of HP and MP you need to heal together. SET heal, #<healHP> ADD heal, #<healMP>
; You wanted this number divided by two, I'll do that now: DIV heal, 2
; Finally I'll let the heal guy ask if the scene host wants to pay or not. 1: I see you need #<healHP> HP and #<healMP> MP, this will cost you #<heal> GP. 1: Do you want to pay? ASK 300 IF YES, @heal 1: Maybe some other time then... END
@heal IF -G#<heal>, @nomoney HOST_TAKE G#<heal> HOST_GIVE H#<healHP> HOST_GIVE M#<healMP> 1: There you go, you're completely healed now! END
@nomoney 1: I'm sorry but it seems like you don't have enough money. 1: Unless you get some cash I won't heal you. END
I can't remember deleting any of your posts (if I did I'm sorry, but so far I only deleted flames, or posts that were completely off topic) and I don't know if somebody else would/ could do that... However I hope this post helped you out.
When you have placed all your links on a map. and on the following maps in which these links are going to join too.. write a small note down..
example: I placed a link on map 1 and that link number is 2. and i want it to join to map 3's link number 4.
so on my peace of paper i write:
map1: L2 <-> map3: L4 (L = Link incase you didnt know)
Now you can remember where or what links join to where etc!
I'm only writing this in here because i found a few worlds that have stuffed up links.. And so i share to you people the method I use to do my link thingies. but you can do it anyway you want, I honestly dont care. AS long as there is no more stuffed links i'll be happy!
-------------------- 7 Years almost done. Posts: 1040 | From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2001
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I can't get my music.ini file to work! Help me!
I get asked that alot by several different people from time to time, so I guess it's worthy to be put in here. Here are problems people have come to me with, and the solutions to each problem. There are also some important things to know.
* Make sure your music.ini file is in your world folder and in the root directory, not stuck in a sub-folder. If you don't have a music.ini file, you have 2 options: 1) Copy the music.ini file from the Evergreen folder, or 2) Make your own music.ini file. Since most people don't know how to make an .ini file, just copy the one in Evergreen and paste it into your world folder.
* Make sure your music.ini file is named properly. A few people have had their file named as midi.ini or music.txt. It must be music.ini and cannot be named anything else.
Q: I've set my maps music to a certain midi, but it plays the default midi selection instead! Help! A: Lets open up your music.ini file and find out how it looks. Since I can't see yours, I'll use Evergreens and modify it to fit the question.
This is how the main map for Evergreen looks. Here are some things to look out for when your file isn't playing right.
Make sure this section is displaying the proper name. Make sure your spelling is correct and be case-sensitive just in case. If this doesn't work, perhaps you are putting the wrong mapname in. If you are unsure which mapname to put in this spot, open up your maps.txt file.
0, evergreen.jpg, evergreen, "Evergreen", 131072
This is Evergreens maps.txt file. The section in bold is the text you want to put in your music.ini file. So lets say instead of evergreen, it looked like this:
0, evergreen.jpg, mainmap, "Evergreen", 131072
In this case, your music.ini file would have to have [mainmap] instead of [evergreen].
This is the most common error.
I have more than 1 midi on one of my maps playlist, but only 1 plays!
First off, to have more than 1 midi on your playlist, music.ini must look like this:
Make sure your numMidi row has the correct number. If you have more than one midi listed, but only have numMidi=1, it will only play the first midi listed.
If that isn't the problem, check your spelling. Make sure the midi name is spelled correctly and that your commands are spelled correctly (i.e. numMidi= and midi1=, etc.).
If that still doesn't work, make sure that the midi file does not loop. If you are unsure of how to do this, contact someone who does know. If you can't find anyone who does know how, contact me a and include the midi in question, and I will test it out for you.
I don't want the midi to stop playing when changing to a fight scene!
Most people think that if they don't want the music to change in certain locations, they just put no midi in the slot like this:
In concept, this would work, but this is where they go wrong. WoS has certain default stock midi's that will play if no midi is given. So what you'll need to do is this:
This will indicate that you do not want the music to change. You can put this in any section. I do this alot in my worlds, so here's how one of my music.ini sections look like:
So what WoS sees is this. Play midi dar03.mid, and never change it on that map. When you run into a battle, the music stays the same, when you win a fight, the music stays the same, if you lose or level up, the music still remains the same. If you put #nochange for midi1, like this: midi1=#nochange - then the midi from the previous map will continue to play.
Also, if you go from a map to another map that both have the same midi selected in music.ini, that midi will remain playing without stopping. For instance:
[map1] numMidi=1 midi1=lostland
[map2] numMidi=1 midi1=lostland
If you go from map1 to map2, or map2 to map1, you will continue hearing the midi lostland.mid without the music changing on you.
My midi file won't play in WoS, but will play in my media player.
This is a rare occurance, but it does happen. If you think this is happening to you, here's how to fix it. Please note that you will need the proper programs to fix this.
Open up your midi in a music editing program. If you don't have a music editing program, skip to the next paragraph. Now, go through these steps. File - Save As - Format: Midi Format 0 - Ok - Confirm file overwrite?: YES. This should fix your midi and make it playable in WoS.
If you don't have a music editing program, find a friend that does. If none of your friends have one, send the midi to me at and tell me that the midi won't play in WoS. I will then fix it and send it back to you.
How do I set the opening midi (Title Screen) to my own custom midi? To determine what midi plays when your world first loads up, rename the midi you want to play to Title.mid. Make sure it's in your worlds midi folder.
These are all the questions that people have come to me with about the music.ini file. If anymore questions arise, I will post them and the solutions to them here in this topic. If you have a question, you can email me at .
I'm afraid I don't have any answers for you regarding map sizes, but I'm sure Makarei has them...
Also I'm sorry you didn't get to speak with me much lately... Maybe you feel better if you know you're not the only person. I hardly got on line at all the last few weeks.
We should catch up sometime soon lol, you and everybody else I know.
I recommend not going over this limit in res, otherwise you will find it will crash wos all to gether, and you computer will sit for 2 hours thinking. using basically all its ram pool up. or possably freeze you pc. and the only way to fix it would be restart.
so here is two res you should aviod! - 1.normal-map (this make your map look very crap!) - 2397600.normal-map (this may crash you pc, depends on you sys specs) but anything higher on mine makes it crash
-------------------- 7 Years almost done. Posts: 1040 | From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2001
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100 - 2397600 (normal map size) anything between those works fine.
400 - 9590400 (X4 map size) will work, provided on your system specs..
so a 234x432 map, is possable.
Keep in mind the smaller your X4map is the crappy it gets based on detail. also the larger it gets the higher the file size. it all depends on what program you focus your maps on. bryce maps well i would restrict going any higher the 2400x1800 x4 map. and no lower then 150 for the normal map.
but paint well i dunno.
-------------------- 7 Years almost done. Posts: 1040 | From: Australia | Registered: Dec 2001
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Alot of people have been asking me how do I make island maps for bryce. well basically i have make a step by step tutorial for making an island. Part 1 anyways. I'll do Part 2, when i get back from my holiday. so in the mean time here is Part 1.
I've never really dived too deep into THEME's, but I'm pretty sure that setting them on a link (Link Editor) will also set that theme around the link as well. Kinda like how Goblin Rock (EG) always has that Windy THEME going on.
Again, I haven't tested this out or anything, this is just "as far as I know".
No, you CANNOT use cookies in items.txt, monsters.txt, spells.txt or anything else that is not in a scene. All monsters, spells, items, and things not scripted by the developer are loaded when the world is loaded, not as they are being used.
How does Arg 20 in monsters.txt (monster AI) work?
Samsyn has given us the awesome ability to tell monsters what spells to use, and how often to use them. It can be a little confusing unless you know what you're doing, so here's a little run through of how to set things up.
First off, you'll need a monster with sufficient wisdom. If your monster isn't smart enough, it won't be able to use the spells you tell it to. Then you'll need to decide what spells you want your monster to use, and more specifically the spell id's. To find the spell id, open spells.txt and look at the 1-3 digit number at the beginning of the spell you want, that's it's id #.
Now that you've chosen a monster and know what spells you want it to cast, we can start setting it's AI. Here's the basic formula for AI:
"use #spellid,spellid,spellid,etc."
I don't think there is a limit (if there is, it's pretty high) to how many spells you can tell it to use. Now that we know the basic formula, lets use an example and plug in some values. We'll use Evergreens spells.txt since everyone has a copy.
Lets say we have a Death monster and he has 200 wisdom. We want him to use Sleep, Numb, Sap, Poison, and Armageddon, AND in that order of preference. By looking at Evergreens Spells.txt, we find that Sleep is 32, Numb is 31, Sap is 29, Poison is 26, and Armageddon is 49. So we have 32,31,29,26,49. Now lets plug that into the formula given earlier.
arg 20 "use #32,31,29,26,49"
Now the Death monster will use those spells in that preferential order, meaning he will use sleep the most, then numb the second most, and so on.
Now, say you want him to do whatever he wants as a certain preference (follow the normal AI determined by the game engine). You would use 0 as the id. So here's an example, we'll use the same thing as before:
arg 20 "use #32,31,29,0,26,49"
Now the monster will use sleep, numb, sap, whatever he wants, poison, and armageddon, in that preferential order.
I think that's everything regarding Arg 20. Please note that even if you set a spell as the number 1 choice, it still may use the last choice first, it doesn't follow the order you set exactly, but rather takes what you've set and changes it's behavior based on the spells you've given.
How would the colors work? I'm trying to do them, and I couldn't find them in the 'Idiot's guide to WoS' thing. I need blue, green, and orange. You'll see 'em in the world!
[ 03-23-2004, 04:44 PM: Message edited by: The Blind Sage ]
Posts: 1094 | From: United States | Registered: Feb 2004
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First you'll need to be in Developing Mode (..or create your own world - Modify existing world). Make sure the 2 maps you want to link together are in maps.txt. Heres an example of that:
Those are just example names used for this example. The names don't really matter too much when setting the links.
Now that you've put these maps into maps.txt you can set the links. (If you had to put the maps into maps.txt, type /reload into the chatbox and hit enter). In development mode there is a window that shows up as the World Editor. In that window you can select which map to view. So now you'll want to view one of the maps you want to link together, so choose map1(or whatever you named it).
It should now load up that map. Now on the World Editor window there is a button that says "Links". Press that button. Now on the map, click where you want the link to be (where you want the player to go to leave, or where you want to appear when you get to the map). A window should now pop up asking you for an image to use. Select one from the list. Now, on the title bar of the Link Editor, it will tell you what link you are on. If this is the first link on this map, the link will be 0. You'll want to remember this.
Now close the link editor, save your changes, and switch to map2(or whatever you named it) on the world editor. Place a link the same way you did on map1, but don't close the link editor yet. Again, look at the title bar of the link editor and remember the link number. Now in the link editor there should be a drop-box that currently says "to nowhere." Change this to "to link", then where it says 0 next to it, change it to the link number that was on map1. Then next to that there should be a drop-box with the names of all the maps you have, choose map1. Hit save, close the link editor, and go back to map1.
Open up the link editor again and choose the link you set before from the list at the bottom. Now, in the "to nowhere" box do the same thing as you did before, only tell it to go to the link you set on map2.
Hope that helped more than confused, if you need more help, don't be afraid to ask.
World developer commands (most only work in solo mode): /tile - place the editor windows in a useful place /reload - reloads the quest files (after changing them) (CHEAT) /scene N - starts scene N (fill in a number for N) (CHEAT) /stepper N - start scene number N, with single-stepper (CHEAT) /dist N - checks monster distrubution on map N (-1 for all) /doldrum - check how hard it is to level /class N - get a summary of character class N /battle - run battle simulator (helps balance classes) /props - open property editor /give Tnn - give yourself token #nn (CHEAT) /take Tnn - remove token #nn from your character (CHEAT) /version - set your world's official version number, or build ZIP files /funpack - shows generated error messages when world is loaded /fps - turns on/off frames per second /coord - turns on/off (X,Y) coordinates /fx N - allows you to change fx (0 is no fx) /weather N - allows you to change weather /bkgnd <jpeg name> - allows you to change background (CHEAT) /theme N - changes theme sound /midi <midi name> - changes background music (#silence to turn off all music) /wav <name> - plays wav file /pokedex - opens book of demons /pet - opens PokeGatchi window /terrain - opens terrain overlay on the map /element - opens the Element Training window /pal N - (N = 0 - 255) changes color table (for more info go to cheat page) /pwd - tells you your current working directory (for more info see cheat page) /coverage - prepares a report of which items/ spells are using which magic and attack path images /fail - tests how often selected spell fails /mags - checks how often character mags (1/50 is normal) /monsters - shows all monsters on map (CHEAT unless you have a GS) /inn - gives full HP/ MP (CHEAT) /give iN.x - gives item N.x amount times (CHEAT) /take iN.x - takes item N.x amount times (CHEAT) /give gN - gives GP N (CHEAT) /take gN - takes GP N (CHEAT) /give sN - gives spell N (CHEAT) /take sN - takes spell N (CHEAT) /give tN - gives token N (CHEAT) /take tN - takes token N (CHEAT) /fight N - allows you to fight monster ID N (No XP/ GP reward given) (CHEAT) /fight L23 - allows you to fight monster from level 23 (CHEAT) More information about commands can be found at:
I copied this list directly from proxbeta, the script I wrote for world developers. I figured people here would have some use of it as well.
I want to change the name of the GP in my world, what do I do?
- To change the name of GP in your world make a file called config.ini. If you aren't sure how to make an .ini file, simply copy the config.ini file from Evergreen into your world folder. You should notice a line of script underneath Dan's information stating
goldName = GP
Simply rename GP in this entry to whatever you wish to use for your world. Note though that 5 characters seems to be about as far as you can extend it without encountering any problems.
* NOTE * Changing the config.ini file to rename GP for your world DOES NOT change the scripting syntax you need to use when giving GP as a reward in a scene. To the best of my knowledge this will ALWAYS be done by : GIVE Gnn (to give ALL in the Scene nnGP) or HOST_GIVE Gnn (to give nnGP to the scene HOST ONLY)
[ 04-02-2004, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Sir Mj ]
-------------------- Come ride with me through the veins of history, I'll show you how god falls asleep on the job. Posts: 5438 | Registered: Dec 2003
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My test characters all incarnate OUTSIDE my maps. How do I fix it?
There are numerous ways to tackle this problem when you are starting out.
Firstly check if your map.jpeg file has a border. If so you may need or want to remove it as it may just "appear" that your character is off of the map, when in fact according to the WoS engine they indeed aren't at all.
I have a map with no borders around the map.jpeg file to worry about but my character STILL incarnates outside the map area. What do I do?
It is time to do some work on our maps, terrains and links.... Open up the maps.txt file for your world in notepad and ensure that it is all typed up correctly. Sometimes it can be a little typo causing a LOT of damage. Open the WoS world editor and click the "links" button as shown in the pic below:
You will see a new window appear showing your currently selected Map, and an abundance of information about every link on the map. In my example below you will see that link 2 is hightlighted on the map called New York.
If you currently have no links in your world, add at least 1 right away, you can move and edit it later. Be sure to place your link in an area you plan on being crossable by all players.(DUH!!) Once you have your links placed, SAVE your work then check the terrains button and another new window will appear as in the next pic. (Note Dans funky pencil icon for a mouse pointer) This pic shows a small snippet of the map for New York in Pangea Ultima as well as the "terrain palette" we use when working on the terrains of our maps. To eliminate confusion I took the liberty of blanking out the other terrains from P.U. to focus on the 2 constant terrains for every world. "No Hinderance" and "Impassable". Any new map SHOULD always appear in terrain editor totally unhindered. (unless the dev. has already made a .ter file which we won't get into right now) In the example pictured you can see a small part of a city, with the roadways being "No hinderance" to allow players to move around. The buildings are all terrained as "Impassable" because I don't think people should walk through the walls of my cities and buildings, not even David Copperfield!! In the top left we have an ocean area, after all New York City IS on an island. Terrains are used in this way to create obstacles and mazes for players as they traverse the maps of your world, whether visually depicted on your map or some form of mysterious "invisible maze".
Posts: 5438 | Registered: Dec 2003
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