HAUNTING now works,
though setting it up is a little clumsy. You still need
to select an old hero soul, or create a new one, but then
instead of INCARNATING, you flip to the MAP list, select
a living hero and
- "souls.exe
/ipx" -> automatically goes to IPX LAN
- "souls.exe
/listen" ->automatically listens for
incoming TELNET from one other player
- "souls.exe
/connect" -> automatically
TELNET connects to ip port 5
birthday, not TWELTH birthday
- Should no
longer be able to 'miss' when giving items to
other players (you should not be able to gve
items to ghosts, however)
map transition times. First time you enter a map
is only time it should be slow. (same speed as
before) Thereafter should be nice and fast.
- Fixed some
terrain problems from when I moved the Wyrm
- New Souls
should start with zero PP instead of PP you left
off previous soul with
- Mix connections
collect some optional BIO info from you which I
will eventually show to other players. (your
handle, real name, and email address - only put
in what you feel comfortable telling people - it
is entirely optional)
- Hopefully I
have fixed all the zillion ways in which your
final 'pain color' was not updated correctly.
- STAFFs can now
have (and most d) a spell bound to them
(spellbound, get it? :-) and when you use such a
staff in your right hand and select physical
attack, it actually casts that spell (for free).
character classes could be allowed right-hand to
hold staff but no magic per se and still use
magic in this way. it's cool and I hope you like
it :-)
- if you lose a
fight, the monsters wander off screen after
killing you and your buddies. This adds a lot of
character to the monsters :-)
- Don't know if I
mentioned this but typing "/a weeps
openly" will send chat which looks like
"Samsyn weeps openly" as opposed to
"Samsyn: Weeps openly"
- as a
convenience when scripting scenes, the command
"/villagers" opens a very simple image
browser which helps you easily find the filename
and image number you need for the ACTOR opcode in
the script.
- The OK button
on the Ability Points dialog is no longer set to
fire on ENTER. We had some accidental loss of
Ability points when people typed their line of
chat just as their level went up
- And, best for
last, five cool new monsters from Josh.
- Which brings us
to: WOW this sucker is 9 megabytes already (4.4M
compressed download).
2/1/99 ALPHA 9
- NOTE: This is
another INCOMPATIBLE VERSION upgrade. Your saved
games will no longer work, nor will you be able
to successfully play against people with other
- New 'P' points
(play points) are earned every time you
successfully hit something. (with magic or
weapon). Your current 'PP' is shown next to your
gold (GP). On the SPELL window is a new button
'learn spell' which lets you learn spells by
'spending' P-points. Spells are NO LONGER
way to learn a spell is by using P points. The
greater your WISDOM, the more P points you earn
per 'bash' of a monster. with WISDOM=0, you get 5
PP per bash. With WISDOM=200, you get 40 PP per
- Character Class
tables in the Quest file now let you specify both
a 'magic ratio' which controls the effectiveness
of your magic versus weapon ability (if you have
80% magic, then you only get 20% of the weapon
strength, for example). Also, each character
class is assigned a specific 'right-hand-weapon'
of which there can be EIGHT POSSIBLE. The first
four are generally assumed to be SWORD, STAFF,
BOW, and MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. But you can set the
tables up any way you like. More details in the
comments in the QUEST.TXT file
- So you can now
make quite a few combinations of character
classes (for example a Bow-User, and a
Magic-Bow-User, where the latter *can* use a bow,
just not very well, while their magic skills are
great). Any character can apply ability points to
its wisdom and eventually be a powerful spell
caster (but with a 20% magic ratio, that
character will always be inferior at magic (and
superior with weapons) than an 80% magic ratio
character with the same equipment and levels)
- DEFENSE points
are now handled CORRECTLY AT LAST! So it is much
more satisfying in fight scenes (no more of those
'1 hit point nightmare eternal battles') It
remains important to get some defensive clothing
right away. Sorry I don't let you shop before
incarnating yet.
PUNISHED FOR DYING! You lose all the experience
points you have earned for your next level (you
don't drop a level, though, you just go back to
the 'start' of that level, experience point-wise)
AGILITY now work. If your enemy's agility is
greater than your dexterity, you now have a
chance of MISSing them in fights. The greater the
difference, the greater the chance of missing. It
maxes out at 50 points (at which point you will
miss them 50% of the time) so if my agility is
140 and your dexterity is 100, then you will miss
me 40% of the time (because the difference in our
values is 40).
- When you get a
LEVEL UP, you get a free recharge of your HP and
MP to your new level's maximum points.
- If someone else
kills the monster you picked before your spell
gets cast, I now try to apply your attack to a
remaining monster. If none are available then you
are still screwed and you wasted your MP.
- Added SFX for
Sell item, ability points, and various other
- You can supply
growl and pain sound effects for all monsters,
but if you don't, I assign them randomly (so it
will vary from game to game) I made some
additional forms, so you should get more variety
now (instead of just OW OW OW OW OW OW).
- You can no
longer use inappropriate items on yourself (for
example if you 'use leather vest' on yourself it
used to throw the vest up in the air and then it
would disappear. If you really want to dump
something, use the DROP command in the
right-click menus on ITEM and EQUIP screens.
- You can now
SELL items via right-click on ITEM screen as well
as on EQUIP screen.
- There is a neat
CHIME sound when a new soul enters your world
(actually you will hear it each time they
announce their skin name)
- You can not
attack dead people.
- Using a health
potion shows the number of actual HP you got, not
the max amount possible. Using Magic Potion shows
a zero still...
- Getting a Level
Up redraws the EQUIP screen with the proper PLUS
signs indicating what you could now improve
yourself with by equipping. Also, the new
character class stuff required a reqrite of the
'would this thing be better' logic. It is now
much cleaner since each character class has to
choose only ONE of the eight possible right-hand
- Fixed the BOG
SHARK oddities
- Fixed the
Carnivorous Hat and Disco Freak monster frames...
- I gratuitously
moved some stuff around on the map, but there is
nothing really new on the map. It might make a
little more sense, but really I was just using
some editor refinements. For example, the link
points are now always outlined with a dim gray
rectangle (while using the editor) so you could
now use 'invisible' link points more easily. The
scene preview window is now half size, and when
you point in it, it gives you X,Y coordinates
suitable for using in a SCENE to place actors
accurately (though it is still a manual
- I made all the
monster link points 'guarded' so you run into
more monsters the CLOSER you get to 'the tree' It
makes more sense this way and you can avoid more
- The animation
of the use and giving of items has been sped up
- I boosted the
standard walking speed on the map a little.
- In addition to
saying "CAN'T USE" on the shop screen
when you click on an item you cannot use, I
*also* challenge you with a messagebox if you try
to buy it anyway. So it shoud be difficult (but
not impossible) to accidentally buy something you
cannot use. (you could then give it to someone
- A bunch of
other minor stuff.
1/24/99 ALPHA 8
you play with is running the same version.
- Hard to
document the specific changes in this build. It
started out as a 'tuning' build (I think the hit
points are more satisfying now... I have tweaked
the experience points a little for testing
purposes, so you should fly through the levels a
bit faster than in the final product. Picking the
right magic element makes a BIG difference now.
- I also made a
lot of changes to the level editor, and worked on
the 'Map Wizard' (still non-functional) which
tries to render the process even simpler (but lo,
still not simple enough!)
- I finished the
base functionality of the integrated quest
editor. Type "/Q" to invoke it at any
time. After saving your changes, type
"/reload" to recompile them such that
they can be used.
- I made some
joke scenes in the 200s just for fun. type
"/scene 200" to see one. I think I did
a 201,202,203,204, and 205. Use the integrated
script editor to view the text of those scenes -
they are intentionally very simple.
- I added some
art framing to the store dialog so it looks
marginally better (or worse, depending on how you
feel about it). It also tells you if an items
level means you cannot equip it (BEFORE you buy
it), but you have to watch out for the warning
(no pop-up dialog about it)
- I advise
beginning a new character, buy some armor right
away. Earn some money close to home and pack some
health and magic potions before heading off into
the wilds. There is still only the one well to
get recharged for free. (And I think there is
only one other store, in scene 50 in the east).
There are tons of new link points and all the
monsters have been placed 'logically' (sort of),
so you should experience a more gradual shift in
monster difficulty as you move from easiest (near
well) to hardest (far south).
- Each map now
has its own MIDI file (or, rather, CAN have) and
I restore the proper music when you leave a
- The link editor
now uses drop-down lists showing the available
files (MIDI, JPG, etc.) instead of making you
remember their names. Likewise, thinks like
monster groups are shown as a list of the actual
monster names instead of the group number. This
helped me a lot. That's why I was able to add 60
link points in an evening. There is also a 'scene
preview' window which pops open but doesn't do
much yet except show you the background image you
selected for the scene (which helped me a lot,
but I would like to be able to use it to place
characters graphically, as well)
- On my list
forever and finally done: When you create a new
soul, it TELLS YOU that you already had a soul of
that same name! (rather than just overwriting the
soul you invested nine million hours into)
- The Player
Killer option seems to work! Also, I added a
marker to the STATUS screen for your OWN
character, so you don't have to remember if a
particular soul is a PKer or not. You still are
not told if the OTHER guy is a PKer, however.
- You can now use
items in scenes even when you are not the scene
- I made BIG
CHANGES to the MIX server so that I can now
support MixMaster servers, which should answer
the question: "how do I find someone else to
play with" I'm very pleased with this, but
you'll have to ignore the option for now (until I
get my permanent IP address set up)
- I put in a
little easter egg for josh... we'll see if he
notices ;-)
- I added some
more menu bar items: Disable Music, Disable Sound
Effects, and a couple other web page choices.
- There is a
little musical fanfare when your level goes up,
and I think the Ability Points dialog now looks
almost nice. Maybe I had that in A7 as well.
- I *think* I
fixed the 'dangling theme' transitions (where if
it was raining in the scene, you still hear the
rain on the map) Since I am not 100% convince
what I want here, I won't claim to be finished
with that..
- I fixed the
latest long name bug. (this was a long character
name bug, as opposed to the previous long skin
name bug). Obviously I must never use long names
(I'm against them on principle :-) In general, I
advise things under 16 characters and without
spaces in them....
- Fixed a bug
which couldn't figure out which sword/staff was
better for classes which could use either.
- Fixed the
'earth element' archer fish (um, we call it Dirt
Fish!). Keep checking out that pokedex!
- I dumped most
of the annoying red text during battle. I don't
know WHAT I was thinking, other than I put that
in back before I had anything else to look at.
It's completely gone right now, but I will
probably need to meet a middle ground. There are
probably some spells you would like to know about
when they are about to be used on you. (I don't
want to clutter the chat area with too many
automatic statements because I want MOST of what
you see there to be chat from other players (or
scripted stuff))
- I probably
shouldn't mention this, and just wait to get
feedback.... In fact, that's what I will do. I
changed something else - see what you think!
1/10/99 ALPHA 7
must upgrade to play in the same game. Your old
saved games will no longer work. (You can try out
the new DELETE SOUL button..) There are quite a
few changes in this version, but I am afraid most
of them are not visible (other than the fact I
have probably introduced some new bugs into code
which was somewhat stable). I really haven't
tested this enough to ship it, but I promised a
new version last week.
- A command to
delete an old soul (old saved game)
- Split the Well
of Souls into two separate scenes. The REAL well
of souls (not on any map) which is where you pick
you soul and skin. And the "Temple of
Dreams" (name in limbo) where you first
incarnate into the world. This changes with each
world. You can not get recharged and resurrected
- Miscellaneous
Fiddling with the background art on dialog boxes
and the like
- a huge new set
of Josh skins, monsters, and villagers! Woo Hoo!
- When the SHOP
button is present, the right-click 'sell item on
equip screen' option will work.
- Reworked the
spell damage algorithm to use A points
differently for magic and sword users
- Created the
concept of "magic-ratio" (0-100 %) A
high ratio means you are a magic user, can carry
staffs but not swords. A low value means you are
a sword user and can carry swords, not staffs.
This ratio is defined in the QUEST file in the
+LEVELS section. I think this finally closes the
'user-definable character' type issue. Everything
is now table-driven (I think)
- When you return
to the WELL in a multiplayer game and pick a soul
with a different skin, the other players should
see the skin change correctly.
- The QUEST file
allows you to provide two sound effects per
monster (GROWL and PAIN) or use the
randomly-selected default sounds.
- The HP and MP
area on the button bar now includes simple meters
(red for HP, blue for MP)
- Giving items to
other players should now work.
- Creating a new
soul now asks UP FRONT for the soul's name, class
(available classes taken from LEVEL are of QUEST
file), and whether or not you want to be a PLAYER
KILLER. (Player KILLER not finished yet -- the
idea is that only player killer characters can
hit other humans (and only other PKers). So if
you want to opt out of PK, you can.)
- You can use the
ARROW key on the pokedex, item, spell, etc list
boxes to step through available entries, and the
current entry is remembered more reliably in
- I lowered the
probability of your finding fabulous items lying
around (sorry!), and most items now have a
'minimum level' assigned so that even if you find
one, you probably can't use it. use the ITEMS
list to review.
- I added the
first baby step towards an integrated QUEST
editor (the QUEST button on the 'make you own
world' thing). Use it at your own risk...
- By moving the
character selection to the popup dialog when you
create a new soul, I was able to switch the class
and skin selectors from combo boxes to list
boxes, so you can see more items at once, and I
hope everything is a lot more obvious now. (I do
want the game to be easy to play, by the time it
is finished)
- You might not
be able to hurt yourself anymore, but I forgot to
check. It's all part of the player-killer logic,
which is not yet complete.
- There is a LOT
of new art from Josh, so let me mention it here
again. a LOT.
- The SHOP
dialog, in addition to being marginally more
attractive, now shows a description of the item
you are about to buy.
- It no longer
says "You find a leather boots"
- The Pokedex is
new and improved. If you click on the image it
toggles between life-size and zoomed in. Also, it
is now possible to define monsters with zoomed
artwork. So you can have both a SLOBBER and, for
example, a GIANT SLOBBER using the same art file.
The pokedex shows each monster's ID # (at the
bottom), so if you want to try fighting a
particular monster, just camp and then type
"/fight N" where N is the monster ID.
Type it again and add another monster to the
- Monster tables,
item tables, etc have been considerably tweaked
and I hope everything now is CLOSE to making
- If you get
enough experience points to go up several levels
at once, you SHOULD get your fair share of
ability points to apply
- the FORMS
button in the world editor now saves the forms as
RLE BMPs instead of JPG which makes a lot more
sense. (also the forms set the upper left
transparency pixel for you)
- If you want to
test the registration stuff. The game accepts
Warpath 97 activiation codes at the moment (enter
the code "shareware" to revert to the
unregistered version. You don't need to register,
it just is there to test the code (a registered
player has a unique 'soul number' which will
probably be good for something someday)
12/17/98 ALPHA 6
- Ooops, I forgot
the new sound effect files in ALPHA 5, so here
they are in ALPHA 6!
- Also, I left in
a debugging thing which turned off pain animation
for swords (oops)
- I was sick, ok?
(I wonder what my excuse will be this time)
- I made some
minor tweaks to the A/D settings for swords, etc.
(butter knife no longer has 5 defense points, for
- I added link
points for the thief's cave (scene 13), the
shoemaker(scene 12), and the Wyrm's Lair (scene
- A spell which
affects ALL should make all flicker
- minor art
12/16/98 ALPHA 5
- This is another
INCOMPATIBLE UPGRADE. Your saved games will fail
and you won't be able to play (reliably) with
alpha 4 players. BTW, the MAP screen should show
the version everyone is using.
- I added a
monster library to make it easier to view monster
strengths for testing purposes. Just type
"/pokedex" after you have incarnated
and it will list ALL monsters in the game. I have
tweaked the monster list a bit to assign somewhat
rational elements.
- I 'fixed' the
attack/defense/attribute engine. I turned off all
randomness to make it easier to test. Your raw
sword hit power is your current 'attack points'
modified by your strength and level (an increase
of 100 in either category doubles hit strength).
With no A points at all, you should hit 5 units.
Your defense points are how much is subtracted
from the hit. Defense points are modified by your
stamina and level (again, an increase of 100 in
either will double your defense. Defense works
against both swords and magic. In the Quest file,
a monsters A points is how hard it will hit. It's
D points are what will be subtracted from your
hit on it. I removed MISS for now (I was doing it
based on attack and defense and now I think I
will do it entirely on agility/dexterity/level),
and it should be impossible to deliver less than
a 1-point damage. More tuning will be needed, but
this should be better. Note that I let you pick
up lots of swords that a real world would hide
for later. So if you get a A+78 sword, your hit
points will rise amazingly.
- I added a
'fallback strategy' for sounds and monster skins
(not hero skins). So you will find SFX and
MONSTER folders both at the 'root' level and the
'world' level. When I need an asset I first look
in the world, and if it isn't there, then I look
in the root.
- I added a whole
bunch of sound effect hooks, so that spells and
monsters can be given custom sounds (or just use
common sets of sounds as you see fit.) For each
monster you can (optionally) specify a GROWL
(when it is attacking, actually) and a PAIN (when
it is being hurt) sound. For each Spell you can
specify a SUMMON (when it is aggregating over
your head), a TRAVEL (when it is moving to the
enemy) and a STRIKE (when it is hitting the
- I implemented
the SOUND opcode in the script engine. (note: it
can only play WAV files which are part of the
world, not random wavs on your machine that other
people might not have (only you will hear those))
- I added a
"/a" command to the chat. As in
"/a sinks slowly" --> "Samsyn
sinks slowly" Silly, but well. there you
- I added some
sound effects for chat. (And I made some crappy
initial sounds). A chk-chk-chk sound when text is
appearing in a speech bubble. Also a
"Listen!" (yeah, I have been playing
Zelda 64!) when new chat comes in from a human
player. And an "Ahem" when new stuff
comes in from a scripted actor.
- I changed the
'look' of the speech bubbles. Also, in scripted
scenes I now only allow one actor's bubble to
appear at a time (no such limitation on human
players). I think this helped the scripted scenes
a lot (try "/scene 10" for an example).
The bubbles now include the name of the speaker.
- I drew some
more buttons (which had been using the campfire
as a placeholder) WELL, SHOP, HAUNT, FLEE and I
changed all the button text to the same color. I
made a few other gratuitous art changes as well.
- I fixed an odd
thing which clipped your skin when you walked to
the extreme edge of a scene.
- I increased the
size of the area you can point inside of to see a
hero's name on the big map.
- I added place
names to the small map. I will have to make it so
you can only see the names of places you have
visited, but that's "too hard" for this
version :-)
- Links without
names no longer appear as white boxes on the
small map.
- Creating a new
character after playing an old character should
now correctly zero out the new characters ability
points and other settings which used to be
accidentally inherited from the previous player
- Using a 'good'
potion should no longer make the OW OW OW sound,
and you should blink WHITE, not RED.
- Walking around
on a map while dead, should no longer let you get
pulled into a fight scene. (gameplay issue here
since we can't have you simply walking around
dead to skip fight scenes)
- Dead people on
the map show up as red now. (looked nicer than
- That silly
store in the Well on Evergreen now sells a couple
cheap swords and shields, so you don't have to
start the game with no A/D points at all.
- I fixed a
couple drop-in bugs (where you would get sucked
back into a scene you were trying to leave, or
get sucked in while walking near a scene (as
opposed to STOPPING near a scene). You will STILL
get sucked back into your leader's scene if you
are following someone.
- You can now use
ITEMs on other players. (It just GIVES them the
item). And there is a simple animation during
item usage. You can still use items on yourself
which make no sense.
- The Shop no
longer picks up additional copies of items each
time you visit it.
- And probably
some other stuff, too.
12/10/98 ALPHA
4 includes:
- More MIDI files for
fight scenes etc.
- Battle now includes
you attack and defense points (warning: you are
too weak before you get your first piece of
equipment, and too strong thereafte.) Also, the
'elements' should have effect when using magic on
monsters (not that I tell you the monster's
element yet. I think I will add a 'pokedex' next.
Also your character attributes (strength, wisdom,
etc) matter now.
- It is now possible
to 'MISS' in a fight scene (deliver no damage)
- the GIVE command
can now give 'health' as in "GIVE H33"
gives 33 hit points and "GIVE M33"
gives 33 magic points. This allows scripted
scenes to include 'healing pools', 'inns' etc.
Since it is a script command, you can have an
inkeeper ask "It's ten gold pieces for the
night" and then ask the user a yes/no
question, and then "TAKE G10" to take
gold and then "GIVE H1000" to recharge
user (use a huge number and it will fill them to
the top... 32767 is probably the hugest number)
- I don't know if I
mentioned these before, but heroes (monsters to,
defined statically in the quest file MONSTER
table) now have 'character attributes' STRENGTH
(enhances sword attack), WISDOM (enhances magic
attack), AGILITY(helps avoid attack), DEXTERITY
(helps you not miss), STAMINA (enhances defense
against both magic and swords)
- At the start of the
game (when you create a new character) you get 20
Attribute points to assign as you see fit. Each
time you get a level up, you get 5 more points to
apply. You can buy/find items ('seeds') which
also give you points to apply.
- After winning a
battle, the monsters drop useful items for you.
(in multiplayer, everyone gets different random
items) Scripted items are given to everyone in
the scene. This is probably the first you will
realize there even ARE any items in the game.
(Cheat code "/gimme" gives you ALL
items, spells, etc.)
- Using a Health
potion or spell on someone no longer makes the
OwOwOwOw sound, and they flash WHITE instead of
RED. Still need to make a pleasant sound for it.
- I think I have
finally fixed the "shows both a sword and a
staff in your hand on the equip screen" bug.
- I give a new
character 100 gold pieces to spend at the store.
- Cheat code
"/summary" opend WORDPAD with a summary
of the tokens you are carrying. This wil someday
be turned into your 'personal log'
- ITEMS screen was
drawing outside its rectangle a little, showing
some lines here and there
- Character Classes
are handled differently in the quest file now.
You can have up to 99 levels per class.
Documentation is in the quest file.
- Dropping into a
fight, or choosing to camp no longer leaves you
body wandering on to its original destination on
the map. You now STOP.
- The script opcode
"SAY" has been changed to
"SELECT" though I still accept
"SAY" and "SEL" Also, if you
have several actors in a scene, there is a
shorthand to do a select just before talking. For
example "0: hi there" is said by actor
0. (and 0 is thereafter selected.)
- Restarting the game
doesn't leave the last spell selected.
- Magic potions no
longer can fill you above your max MP level.
- The Spell table in
the quest file has been totaly redone to provide
a balanced set of intial spells, with somewhat
appropriate art effects for each spell. Your
existing saved characters probably won't work in
this version, but if they did, they would know a
different set of spells.
- Spells now really
use their elemental status
- Characters now
uniformaly begin with 20 HP and 10 MP and it is
not undoen by the first level up. Experience
points needed for next level is now computed
automatically (no longer in quest file).
- Which spells you
learn at which level is now defined in the
character class table in the quest file, not the
spell table. This allows different classes to
learn different spells
- FunPak is now
limited to only 2000 lines. (used to consume
infinite memory after a long session)
- Cheat code
"/fight N" brings monster N into the
scene to fight you. (You have to be incarnated
and camping first). N must be an actual monster
ID from the quest file MONSTER table. This is to
simplify play balance tuning.
- Some other stuff,
but I only started keeping good notes towards the
Apologies to anyone who
downloaded the 4meg version, when really it was only
2.5Meg when I removed the stuff that had snuck in by
accident. But today it is 3meg for real, so the size is
creeping up there. I'll probably have to separate the
engine from the world download pretty soon, if only for
the exercise.
Still no plotline, but I
made some significant enhancements to performance (20
frames per second now instead of 10 - still runs on a
P90) and added some cool special effects for animated
water, earthquakes and weather (snow being my favorite).
Get into the game and then type "/scene 10" (or
any number from 4-10 I think) to get some quick demos. Or
use the "/fx n" to select effect #n (0-5) or
"/weather n" to select weather #n (0 to 9)
Aside from setting the
environmental 'ambiance' these effects can also be used
to make spellcasting more interesting.
There are the usual
micro-improvements (for example, the flying text now
resizes dynamically with the window which makes menus and
the like nicer for those of us who resize constantly).
One of the speed enhancements came from adding an
additional work buffer to hold the scaled version of the
background image. This made it unnecessary to do a
stretchblt every frame (an expensive operation). It also
gave me a modifiable copy of the background which is how
I am able to make the snow 'stick on the ground' and I
can also use this for more gruesome effects (like blood
spots from battle, which also get covered by the healing
snows :-)
The 20 fps really
enhaces the 'magic dripping from the wand' IMHO.
Hope you all had a great
OK! I am finally putting
up a new version. Must have been a long time since it has
practically doubled in size (it's 4 megabytes now! Wow!)
unzipped it is only 5 meg, so I am not getting much
compression. Either that or I accidentally included
something unexpected.
I didn't meet my goals
still (to have a coherent plot in this package), but it's
overdue, so here it is, still just an engine demo, not a
beta test.
OOOPS! My apologies to
anyone who downloaded in the last couple hours! Turns out
there was a reason for that 4 megabytes after all. The
REAL zip file is still only a bit over 2 Meg still. Also,
the interim build didn't have 256 color support enabled.
Ooops. Anyway, I am putting the correct version up NOW
Well, I put up an even
NEWER version on 9/29. The previous push didn't include
the necessary script file changes to fully appreciate all
the art Josh created. This push does that, plus I cleaned
up my own object art files and added some cheesy
animation (the little campfire on the main map when
someone is in a scene (you have to be in multiplayer to
even see this).
I am getting ready to
put up a new version of the demo, but didn't quite meet
my goals yet. Loads of changes this time around. Probably
the most significant is that it is now chock full o'
monster and hero art, mainly due to the prodigious brush
of Josh Worts.
I also have moved to the
'real interface' which is a bunch of animated buttons
along the bottom of the screen (instead of the 2 separate
groups of 'buttons' I had before). I haven't finished
drawing all the buttons, which is why I didn't publish
tonight, mainly. Might as well wring as much out of the
'first impression' that I can.
There are the usual
million little feature changes and total rewrites. Some
cosmetic glitz was added in this pass to start moving
along towards the eventual moment in time that this looks
like an actual game.
I've been working with
several writers and we've been mutually discovering just
what it means to write a Well of Souls 'quest' file. Lots
of engine changes to reflect real-world issues. I am
trying to generate some simple (?) guidelines which I
will link to from the Art Submission page, as well as some support
tools to make it easier to generate assets.
Oh, I finished the
'terrain editor' at long last, so the link editor now
also lets you paint an 'overlay' on each map indicating
what sort of terrain it is. (The player doesn't see this
overlay, but it controls which terrain bits the player
needs in order to cross a particular terrain. terrain
bits are associated with objects. For example, the Fire
Boots would include the fire terrain bit and would allow
you to cross lava on the map)
I reworked 'monster
groups' (which was a lot more fun given Josh's great
art), and dumped the 'fight buttons' which I crammed into
the previous version. Now the same buttons which let you
open the spell, item, and equipment panels to review what
you've got, ALSO select the appropriate 'fight cursor'
(spell, item and equipment). This feels better, and
required fewer buttons overall.
The Link editor is much
nicer than it was. Next I will probably add drop-down
combo boxes to let you select from things already in the
quest file. Right now you still have to look back and
forth a bit too much for my tastes. This will be
particularly nice for setting scene background, music,
Evergreen, the world, is
still plot-less, but there is an overall structure to the
monsters now, increasing in difficulty as you proceed to
the south.
I did some more work on
the fight scene (it *is* after all probably the most
important element, and I know it is still pretty weak.) I
wiped all the original lame monster art and mapped ALL
the monsters to a single skin, which, while still lame,
at least incorporates all the monster animation states.
So, while it is sort of a step backward in overall art
density, I think it better captures the feel. I sampled
myself making some growling noises and then pitch-shifted
them down until they actually sound pretty animalistic.
You'll find that everyone sounds the same right now (and
they say "ow" even if you are casting a NICE
spell (like heal)) and you'll just have to trust me that
is temporary. Likewise, all spells are using the same SFX
at the moment, so try to get past that, too :-) Basically
hero attacks will eventually make a sensible SFX, and
monsters basically growl just before biting you, then
everyone has their own pain noise. I like the monster
growl part.
The plan is to let you
bind unique SFX to each monster, hero, spell, etc. (not
*too* many combinations probably). The lame sounds I put
in really did help a lot (I think) in capturing more of a
sense of danger.
I also messed with my
unique 'real time turns-based' algorithm (which is
basically the fundamental difference between this game
and every other RPG). Which isn't to say it's a *great*
idea, but I am going to pursue it to its logical
conclusion. You should now find it peppier to enter your
own combat commands, and yet the monsters aren't quite so
predictably relentless in their own onslaught. The combat
balance is still not tuned (all monsters die after 5 hit
points or so, and never hit you more than 1, etc.).
Overall, it's probably still too frenetic (no pause in
this game)
I finally decided how
spells would be learned... I went the easy route. No
spell stores. No master trainers. (although you CAN use a
script to learn special spells as part of a scripted
dialog), for the most part you just automatically learn a
spell each time your level goes up. In the quest file you
specify a minimum character level for each spell. As soon
as the character reaches that level, they learn the
spell. It's a little bogus that fighters learn the same
spells in the same order as magic-users, but I will try
to address that later.
And I think I have
decided how I will do the 'inn' recharge (which I think
is kinda boring in a multiplayer environment for the
group leader to have to shepherd everyone to the inn and
pay, etc.) I am going to have recharge happen in the
following way: Visiting a well of souls (one in every
major town) is instant rebirth, if dead, and/or recharge.
So the leader can take the party into the well, and maybe
say "yes" to the blind sage and bob's your
uncle everyone is OK again - no charge. Likewise, the
leader can CAMP, drawing everyone into a monster-free
(usually, at least) scene where they can heal each other
with spells and items. Some scenes will have 'healing
pools' and stuff like that) And there *will* be stores to
sell items, and the moral equivalent of treasure boxes
(these will be 'different' I think)
As far as death is
concerned. I am tempted to let death just take you out of
the fight, as it were, but otherwise you are still
around, still part of the team (and in some cases are
still the team leader). You just can't fight, cast
spells, use items, etc. You're a ghost until you and/or
your team visit a Well, or someone in your party (or
someone you meet along the way) uses the right magic or
item on you. If the entire party dies, I will probably
have to warp you to the last Well, just to prevent people
intentionally killing the party just to be able to walk
long distances unmolested.
So, at the start of the
game, there will be the promised spectator mode where you
are 'haunting' incarnated players. But once you
incarnate, that is your character for the rest of the
game (unless you specifically quit), and death doesn't
take you out of that vessel, just renders the vessel
broken until you get it fixed. S, the Well you see at the
very beginning is different from the regular Well you
encounter on the road.
I added a lot of stuff
which I have more or less forgotten about. Let's see what
I can recall. I reorganized the folder hierarchy and
added some readme.txt files to describe what each
directory is for. I added support for MIDI music files
and composed a couple ditties using JAMMER (which is a
really cool program and I'll have to make that a
hyperlink to their site)
I re-did the fight
engine a little to facilitate 'prompting' for your
action. Still have to do SFX and 'growling' in general. I
re-did the way the cursor works in a fight. You can now
use magic, sword, items, or flee. There is also a CAMP
button if you want to drop into a campscene with your
group (say you want to cast HEAL on each other or just
For the most part,
PARTIES are now working (you can choose to follow another
player, and actually do so). Except when switching maps
(sorry), which I have finally implemented. So links may
now be to maps OR scenes which I hope will reduce some
confusion from people who thought it was only scenes.
Evergreen has one such link (around the easter island
head) just to give the flavor. The link editor was
augmented as a result. A link which has no other
designation is a 'back' link (takes you back to where you
came from).
I made some nicer link
art pieces of villages, towns, etc. I made some example
sub-maps (nothing spectacular). Still need to work on
scaling issues. Sub-maps are bigger than I thought (which
is good) so they should make nice caves, towns, etc. A
Normal Hierarchy is now: World Map, has 'village image'
links to sub-maps which show layout of town with links to
scenes for weapons shops, etc. Plot points are always
delivered in a scene, not on a map or sub-map. (so far,
at least)
You now encounter
monsters as you walk around the map (but you can always
FLEE from a fight at this point). Each link has a monster
group number associated with it (or zero, for none, to be
used around 'safe' towns). In the quest file, you
enumerate all the possible monster groups (this allows
you to group logical monsters together in the quantity
you like). It's all horribly complicated of course... say
for example that monster group 1 consists of the
following list of monster IDs:
This means that when
encountering monster group one, the WORST you will find
is 4 monsters of ID 1 (say, small jelly slimes), 3 of ID
2, 2 of ID 3, and one of ID 4 (for example, some giant
eyeball that is healing the other monsters). But USUALLY
when encountering monster group one, you will see a
semi-random subset of those monsters. The closest link
point to you controls which monster group you will
encounter. Normally, the number of monsters from the
group will INCREASE the farther you are from the link
point (think in terms of a town which keeps you safe
while you are close, but gets more dangerous the farther
away you get). If you use a negative value (like -3) in
the link's Monster Group number, then it uses the same
list (3, in this case), but the monsters instead get
HARDER the closer you get to the link. Use this when the
monsters are logically 'guarding' the entrance to
something. Link points are generally towns, caves, etc,
but can be just trees, rocks, or even invisible (though
that makes map editing a bit more challenging) so you
should be able to set up the monster difficulty grid to
your liking.
I'm going to have to do
the terrain editor soon, so as to make those water boots
worth acquiring. Right now you can still walk/float over
By popular demand, I
moved the 'experience points and character levels' stuff
into the QUEST file so you can now tweak it as you like.
Each character class (wizard or warrior, today... maybe
archer tomorrow) has its own matrix relating experience
points to LEVEL. Each LEVEL is given a name, so, for
example, wizard levels 1-3 might be APPRENTICE, 4-7 might
be MAGICUSER, 22-23 might be NECROMANCER, etc. It's just
a word, but it makes people happy. Your skin is still
supposed to be unique (draw your own and auto-share with
others, is the plan) and doesn't change with your level.
I think I have decided
to video-sample clay models for the initial set of
skins/monsters, but I am still putting that off, hoping
someone will generously donate a bunch of cool art!
The Quest file lets you
specify a MIDI song to play during the world's
credits/opening sequence. Not all sound cards support
nice-sounding (as opposed to FM Synth) MIDI at the same
time as the sound effects. For example, mine does NOT.
(grrr). You can also bind MIDI files to fight scenes
(this is where they are cool) and eventually to maps.
I did a bunch of other
stuff too, but it might not be apparent.
just added a bunch of
stuff. Most obvious will be the EQUIP and ITEM screens
(use the /gimme cheat code to give yourself all the
items). On the ITEM screen you can see how much of each
thing you are carrying and what the special properties of
an item are, if any. At this time you still cannot USE an
item. But play with right-click on list items to see what
commands appear. Some of them even work.
On the EQUIP screen, it
shows what you are currently wearing, and its net effect
on your ATTACK and DEFENSE capabilities. If you rest the
mouse over an item you will see additional info about
that item. In the list below are all the items you are
carrying with an E next to the ones you are equipped with
and a PLUS sign next to any item which would improve your
current A/D rating. Rightcliicking on said item tells you
how it would affect your A/D. Also each item has a glpyh
dividing it into the categories: BOOTS, HELMET, SHIELD,
ARMOR, SWORD, STAFF, RING, and AMULET. Only wizards use
STAFFs only warriors use SWORDs.
My favorites are the
leather toupee, leather mask, and the amethyst ring.
There is a separate BMP file for each class of object
which can be extended to the right as needed to
accomodate additional items.
Also, I now keep the
list of players in the STATUS screen up to date so as to
show people who are 'local' to you (either because they
are near you on the map, in a scene with you, or a member
of your party). Ultimately you will only chat with local
people. Right-Clicking on a name in the STATUS list lets
you choose to join that person's party (meaning you will
be a follower of their leader) The actual LEADING isn't
implemented yet, but see if you can figure out what the
flags mean.
I have to rewrite the
fight engine (mainly so you can cast heal spells outside
of battle). I will try to improve the UI for entering
'your move' at that time. Now that I have implemented
multi-imaged monsters, I see I have abug which explains
why the monsters appeared so relentless. They are never
pausing to 'growl' they just bash and bash and bash.
Quicky Manual
- Unzip into its own
- Run The Game
- Admire the Title
Screen or click on it to make it go away faster
- Read the humorous
main menu instructions, then click PLAY NOW
- Select a mode of
multiplayer play, or choose SOLO if you are by
- Admire the
server-less name-space synchronization
- Select
"EVERGREEN" as the world of your choice
- You start off in
the Well of Souls (the provisional well, at
least.) There are four balls in the lower right.
they are:
- Start Game
(wait on this till you have a character)
- See who is
online (list of other souls in game and
map position)
- Pick an Old
Soul (restore saved game, as it were)
- Create a
New Soul (mini-soul editor)
- So, pick and Name
your soul (it will silently overwrite any old
soul of the same name) and don't forget to pick a
skin (not much variety). Then press the far left
sphere to start the game
- Wander around on
the map. Instead of the 4 spheres, you will now
see 5 triangles (all placeholder art, of course)
which ae (left to right)
- MAP view -
displays the world map. click on the world
map to exit a scene.
- EQUIP view -
will show your current EQUIPPED stuff.
- MAGIC view -
will show available spells and info about
- STATUS view -
shows info about member of your party
- ITEMS view -
will show info about items you are carrying
- Note the LINK art
here and there. some of those link points will
take you to other maps (purely as technical
achievement, nothing wonderful about other maps
- Several link points
will take you to fight scenes or scripted plot
- Click in it again
and you pop back out to map.
- Select MAP VIEW and
click on the world map to exit a scene.
- In multiplayer,
when X drops into fight, you see his icon on map
change. If you walk on his face, as it were, you
will drop into same fight scene.
That's about all there
is to do right now.
Cheat Codes
If you type into the
chat window a line beginning with a slash, it is a cheat
code. Currently these are:
- /inn recharge
yourself, as if you visited an inn
- /scene N drop into
scene #N (as defined in the quest.txt file)
- /theme N play sound
them #N (1-7, I like 1 the best)
- /funpak opens the
diagnostic funpak
- /scope opens the
packet scope
- /gimme gives you
one more of every possible item
- /give
<code><id> gives you one thing of the
specified code and id. for example
(G23 is 23 gold pieces, I15 is item 15, S2 is
spell 2. etc. see the quest.txt file)
- /take
<code><id> removes the specified
Each World has a script
file "quest.txt" which contains the overall
information about that world. More than any other, this
is the file you edit to define your world. You enumerate
monsters, spells, items, equipment, etc. Then you define
scenes, with optional characters who can deliver dialog
and take action based upon your responses. The format of
the script language is pretty basic, hopefully simple
(though tedious) and don't expect any great documentation
soon. I tried to document in-line in the quest.txt file
itself. Feel free to send me entertaining snippets of
your work.
Hero and Monster
This is now described
better HERE and again, HERE.
Borrowing from 'quake'
terminology, a skin is a graphics file which contains the
onscreen depiction of a character. Human players are
always 'heroes' (independent of their true motivations)
while computer generated opponents and villagers are
'monsters' Each character is assigned a skin file (the
skin files can be shared amongst characters.) The goal is
to make it simple for people to design their own skins
and share them with each other.
The best way to explain
a skin file is for you to open one up. Hero skins are
stored in the 'skins' directory in the root of the Well
of Souls file system. A skin file can be as tall as you
like (it is just drawn to the screen, so a taller bitmap
will mean a taller character. 64 pixels high is a pretty
tall character.) once the height is set, the skin file is
assumed to be 5 square images in a row. Left to right,
these images are:
the MAP square contains
9 little images of the character, used to draw the
character walking around the big map. The other images
are all used in scenes (such as a fight scene). usually a
character will be READY, switching to CHAT whenever you
type something. The ATTACK image is used when you are
doing your thing in a fight, and the WEAK image is used
when you are being hurt (it flashes red), are
weakened/paralysed/poisoned, or dead (it turns black).
Hero characters should be drawn looking up and to the
left (as though the camera were behind them and they were
confronting an enemy ahead of them on their left.) except
for CHAT which should turn back to look at the camera.
Monster skins also have
5 square images:
[???] [READY] [ATTACK]
Try to ignore the first
one for now (monsters don't walk around on the map...
yet) The rest are the same as for a hero, except GROWL. A
monster will shift randomly between READY and GROWL while
not attacking. A sound effect is played when it GROWLs.
MOnsters should be drawn facing the viewer and a little
to the right (i.e. as if engaging a hero).
All character art is
left/right flipped as needed to get an approximately
correct display during motion and attack.
All character art should
be created in RLE BMP format, using the
"souls.pal" 256 color palette.
Level Editor

In solo mode, you see
another selection below Pasty Shelves... Create Your Own
World. This is a bit of a misnomer, since you have to
mess around with the file system manually to actually
CREATE a new world. But this menu selection opens a set
of specialized editors. Currently insufficient to do
anything great, but you will get the idea for what is
This is now described
more accurately in the HELP FILE which comes with the
game itself (press F1 from within the game)
To actually create a
world, think of a unique name and then make a folder of
that name and place it inside of the WORLDS folder under
the Well OF Souls directory. Now you need to fill that
new folder with resources describing your world,
- MAP0.MAP this is a
JPEG file (512x512 pixels suggested, but any size
OK) 24bit color. It is your main world map. Put a
lot of effort into this one.
- MAP0.MOB, another
JPEG file. This is your grab bag graphic. Pick a
useful color for xparency (WHITE maybe) and fill
a large JPEG with it. Then create small art
assets (like a picture of a little village, or a
dangerous looking cave... things which would look
nice on your big MAP file) Just cram as much
stuff into the MOB file as you can. Grow it as
necessary. Be consistent with the background
color (you will need it for xparency) Make sure
the bounding rectangles of any two objects are
non overlapping.
currently used as the backdrop for the fight
scene. All scene JPEGs should be exactly 360 x
256 pixells. Eventually I will support a variety
of SCN files for different purposes. Including
fight scenes varying with local map texture.
Then run the program,
select CREATE NEW WORLD and you will get a little popup
control panel. Select your new world from its combox box
(hopefully it is there), then select the OBJECT EDITOR.
This will display your MOB file and another floating
dialog which is pretty confusing. You will find you can
drag a rectangle on your MOB zoom. Then type the name of
the thing you selected and press ADD OBJECT or whatever I
called it. Do this for each object in your MOB file. Be
sure to SAVE the mob file. it never saves it
Then open the LINK
editor. Select an object on the floaint object palette,
and then click in the zoomed map area. It will place that
object (well another of that object) on the map, as a
link. You can then customize that link by saying if it is
a link to a scene (not implemented) or another map. You
figure it out. Don't forget to SAVE your links. If you
carefully click on an exisiting link on the MAP, you can
pick it up and move it around.
It is anticipated there
will also be a CITY editor which will be a more classic
'tile based' editor making it easier to generate .MAP
files for the insides of cities, castles, etc.
Anyway, none of this is
binding. Please don't develop anything too elaborate with
these tools as all is liable to change and then you will
be mad at me.
Well of Souls (the RPG)
is the copyrighted property of Dan Samuel of Synthetic
Reality Co. All
rights reserved. Eventually this will be a shareware
program which
will require a registration fee to be played longer than
a certain evaluation period.
People contributing
Worlds will probably not see any return on their
investment short of their credits (and my gratitude). My
intention is for the game to make it easy to share worlds
with friends. To the degree this web site can be used to
facilitate that, I will make my own best effort. I will
try not to exercise any censorship, but I might have to
provide some sort of rating system for worlds deemed to
contain offensive content.
Let me know what you
like, what you hate, what you'd like to see, and any
other feedback you might have. I'm not in any rush to
finish this. It will be done when it is done, and
hopefully the development copies will become more
enjoyable throughout the process.
Thanks again!
Dan Samuel