Dan's Quest Language Dictionary (A94) Overview The Well of Souls Quest Language is used to define what takes place in a WoS SCENE. A scene consists of a background graphic with movable sprite ACTORs drawn on top of it. Special effects and weather may be added to a scene. The player-controlled heroes are also animated within the scene. Players and NPC Actors interact via dialog and token-directed script execution. In multiplayer mode, when there is more than one player in a scene, the scene commands are executed by the player who is hosting the scene and all IF conditionals are based on that player. Objects which are GIVEn or TAKEn in the scene affect all players in the scene. The following are the currently supported commands within the language. Your world must contain a file called QUEST.TXT which holds both your Quest Scene scripts and all the tables which define your world. (To organize your thoughts, you may break this up into many files which you then #include in your QUEST.TXT file.) For examples, please refer to the wos/worlds/evergreen folder.
of a Scene Scenes must be placed within the +SCENES table of your world's quest.txt file. Each scene begins with a SCENE command and ends with an END command. Generally you define the background ambience of your scene first, then declare any NPC actors your scene requires, and then begin delivering scripted dialog based upon which tokens the player has. Without explaining in advance, here is a typical scene script (this would be "scene 45"):
Note that each scene script must have a unique <Script ID#> and this is the number by which you will use the Link Editor to bind particular scenes to particular links on your world's maps. Use the semicolon character to embed notes in your scene script, to remind you later how it was supposed to be working. Stick your TOKEN definitions anywhere you like in the +SCENES table. |
ACTOR <ID #.layer>,
<name>, <skin>, <pose>, <x>,
<y> {, <colorTable>} {,<pain.wav>} This command creates an ACTOR in the scene. Actors can walk around and deliver scripted lines of text. Each actor in the scene needs a unique ID number (unique to that scene, not to ALL scenes :-) You may have up to 64 actors in a scene at the same time, numbered 0 - 63. But only actors 0-9 will be able to deliver dialog easily. (higher numbered actors are probably scene 'props' like a dropped coin to be discovered, or a campfire to be lit, etc). You give the character a name, the name of a skin file with its image in it, and the pose (offset within that file). These 'villager' skin files are stored in the world's MONSTER folder and are long filmstrips with many different villagers in a single file. The far left pose of a filmstrip file is pose #0 (and often is a credits frame. Use the /villagers command to rummage through the available monster/actor skins.) You also give the actor an initial position to be standing on the screen. X and Y vary from zero to 100 which relate to the max size of the window (so x=100 is always the far right edge of the screen, no matter what size the window has been stretched to.) Using values sufficiently outside the range will start the actor 'off screen' so that a subsequent 'MOVE' command can have them appear to walk in from off stage. If you leave out the <x>, <y> (or set them both to 0), then a 'standard' location will be used (different for each actor ID#). The colorTable argument is used to re-color the actor skin. The <pain.wav> argument specifies a sound effect you would like player when the actor is 'attacked' You usually define an ACTOR or two right at the start of the screen, but you can use the command at any time, in case you have an actor which is only present if certain conditions have been met. For example:
Here the scene starts by creating "Old Carl" as actor #1 standing at the lower left of the screen. Then if the player does NOT have token 12 ("-T12") it jumps to the label and skips the creation of "Young Carl" who otherwise would be standing in the lower center of the screen. You may re-use an actor slot at any time, simply by giving the ACTOR command again later in the scene, using the same actor ID number. The previous actor with that ID# will simply disappear and be replaced with the new one. This is useful if you want an actor to be revealed as a different character, and need to switch to a different skin file. In that case, you would use the same X,Y for the new actor. Otherwise, you probably would wait until the actor had walked off screen before re-using its actor ID number. Actors don't have to walk and talk to be useful. You can use actors to place a crackling fire in the background, some grazing sheep, a painting on the wall, etc. Layers The first argument (the ID) now supports a dotted sub-argument (optional and assumed to be 0) which indicates the actor's display layer. The higher the layer value (-1000 to +1000), the more 'in front' the actor is. For example, all actors on layer 4 are 'in front of' actors on layer 2, no matter what the 'y' coordinate of their position is. Within a layer, actors are still sorted by their Y value, so actors lower on the screen are in front of those higher on the screen. This feature allows you to place foreground items like boulders and trees that actors can 'hide behind' (though you will probably still see nametags and chat bubbles). You might also use it to place a cave entrance 'in the background' Player characters are always on layer 0. |
ASK <seconds> {1} This command makes the script engine wait a while for the player to type something ("yes" or "no" flags set in response, depending on what the player typed. Only the player who is hosting the scene is evaluated.) This command is used when you want to ask the player a question and actually read his or her answer and do something based on the response. The actual question is asked using the normal speech bubble stuff. You just follow that command with an ASK command as in this example:
Here the king poses a question. The "ASK 20" pauses the script for up to 20 seconds (or until the host player types a line of chat). If a line of chat is entered before the timeout, and it starts with something resembling a yes, then the "YES" condition will be true and the "IF" command will jump to the label where the king is unhappy with us. Otherwise (nothing was typed, or what was typed did not look like a yes) the king is happy enough and the scene ends. The "Qword" conditional lets you scan the host player's response for particular words or letter sequences ("yes" would be found inside of "yesterday" for example), so you could have complicated processing like:
If you add a second argument whose value is 1, as in:
Then Host's answer to that question will NOT be shared with other members of the scene (or players outside the scene). |
BKGND <JPEG filename> This command causes the scene's background jpeg to switch. Note that the background specified in the SCENE command will probably be shown first, so if you need to avoid a flash of the default background before you determine (via tokens, perhaps) which background is appropriate, be sure to set the default background to something like all black, or whatever works for your world.
You don't actually need the ".jpg" extension here, but it might help you to leave it in. Only .jpg files are supported for scene backgrounds. The file in question should be located in your World's SCENES folder. If it is missing, then the root WoS SCENES folder is searched instead. If it isn't there either, you get whatever you deserve :-) |
CALL scene#@Label All good languages need some sort of function, or subroutine support. That allows you to re-use code snippets rather than having to put extra copies into every scene. The CALL command invokes such a function. The function itself is just a @label in some scene, but should end with a RETURN command instead of an END command. So, a scene like this:
Would end up having actor 1 say:
As if all the lines of the function itself had been stuck inside the original script, in place of the CALL command. In this example, the function was defined inside the same script which CALLed it. That might occasionally be useful, but probably you will want to define your functions in a separate script (or separate scripts) and for performance reasons you might want to do that in the first scene which gets loaded by your quest.txt file. With the addition of the CALL command comes a change in the way @labels are defined. You may now (and this is for ANY command which uses a @label) include a scene number to the left of the at-sign, so:
Will look for the label "hiThere" inside of scene 47, no matter which scene contains the CALL instruction. Function Arguments: Most languages allow you to pass arguments when you call a function (and receive results back from the function). In Quest this means using cookies. So you can set a cookie before making the CALL, and then the function can just look in that cookie for the argument you passed in. As a convenience to you, you can include up to 10 arguments on the CALL line itself, and they will be automatically stuffed into cookies with the names "arg0" through "arg9" (in order). These are just regular cookies, and every use of the CALL command (or RETURN command) will blow away their contents. So just use them inside the function and don't expect them to live forever.
So here we would ultimately see actor one say "I enjoy eating apple, butter, and cheese" |
COLOR <color command> This command lets you change the color table currently in effect in the scene. Initially a scene starts out with no color table, unless one was specified in the SCENE command. In the simplest case:
Just declares 15 to be the color table, and all existing actors, monsters, and heroes in the scene are repainted as their original skin plus this color table applied. But if you add 1000 to the color table index, it means "Apply a second coat" as it were, so:
would apply color table 15 not to the original skins, but to the currently colored skins. So if you had previously dimmed the skins (for example), this would dim them even further. (please note that the colorings are not reversible. Dimming a skin three times and then brightening it 3 times will NOT return the skin to its original appearance.) This command can also recolor the BKGND jpeg for the scene. To do that you add 2000, as in:
This would apply color table 15 to the current background (effects are always cumulative for backgrounds). It will leave the characters alone, so if you want to dim BOTH the background AND the characters, you need two commands, as in this simple 'fade' example:
This would apply the colortable 13 (mild dim) to both the background and the characters, 10 times in a row. Note the necessary WAIT command (100 milliseconds should do it) to give the viewer a chance to see the fade. To restore the background to its original state, use:
To restore the characters to their original state, use:
One nice thing about the scene's colortable is that it is applied on top of any actor or monster coloring which might be used. Hence if you have created a 'red slobber' by defining a colortable in the MONSTER table, you can still use a scene colorTable to dim it, and it will be a dimmed red slobber (and not a dimmed gray slobber). Limitations: If the player resizes their window, the current scene background jpeg will lose any coloring you might have done to it (while the characters will remember their color changes). If someone new enters the screen, they will only see the most recent colorTable setting applied exactly once to their characters (and they won't see any previous background coloring at all.) You have to actually be in the scene at the time the COLOR command is issued, to see the coloring effect. |
COLOR TABLES Color tables are used in the ACTOR command, the COLOR command, the SCENE command, and in the MONSTER TABLES. When you assign a skin to an actor or a monster, that skin contains artwork rendered in the 256 colors of the standard WoS palette. Say you had a monster skin which was largely greenish. By assigning a color table, you could use that same skin, but the monster which appeared on the screen might be largely bluish instead. The skin itself hasn't changed, it is just dynamically re-colored on its way to being displayed on the screen. Most color tables preserve the artistic quality of the skin, it's outline, shadow, and transparency. Some are just plain freaky. The actual effect a color table has on a skin will be influenced by the colors used in the original skin, so a world developer should artfully pick the color table which meets his or her needs. To color an actor, you add an extra argument to the actor command, as in:
In this example, the actor skin "joshRoyalty, frame 3" is recolored using color table 4. Let's pretend this makes the normally rosy cheeks of the king look a bit ill in coloration. Colors are each made of a combination of 3 pigments: Red (R), Green (G), and Blue (B). A color table translates one color to another by modifying one or more of those pigments. The available color tables are:
The COMPARE command subtracts B from A and saves the result in a special place which doesn't get munged until the next time you use the COMPARE command (or one of the math commands: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV and MOD) that place is called the CONDITION CODE. The three IFx commands test the CONDITION CODE and jump to the label if the result was as indicated. So your IFx command doesn't HAVE to immediately follow the COMPARE command, though I suspect it generally will. Arguments A and B are interpreted as signed decimal numbers. For now you are stuck with constants and cookies. So, you can do:
For example:
Of course, you will seldom test all three cases, so this example is silly. F_COMPARE Note that COMPARE will treat A and B as if they were integers (by which I mean whole numbers). If your math is uing the F_xxx math instructions to do its work, you should use the F_COMPARE command instead of COMPARE, in order to properly compare small values. For example COMPARE of 1.002 and 1.004 will declare they are EQUAL (because they both start with '1'). But F_COMPARE will correctly notice that 1.004 is larger. |
COUNTDOWN <seconds> This command starts a COUNTDOWN timer (displayed on the main screen) which counts down to zero. When it hits zero, it disappears. Cool huh? To make it useful, you need a couple scenes... One which starts the countdown:
... and one which which tests it with the 'XP' conditional, as in:
You can turn the counter off prematurely by setting it to zero ("COUNTDOWN 0"). Also, the countdown automatically terminates if you leave the game, or change characters. |
<Dialog> ACTORs in a scene may deliver dialog which is read by the player both in the chat window and also as a little cartoon balloon above the actor's head in the scene. There are several ways of making your actors talk, but I think I will only document the preferred method, which is to have a line consisting of:
For Example:
Be sure to declare your actors BEFORE you have them say any dialog. Only actors 0-9 can be made to speak in this way, since the number before the colon can only be a single digit. On the off chance that you need to get some dialog from actors 10 through 15, you have to use the 'current actor' metaphor and provide a current actor selection, followed by unlabeled chat. As in:
But that's clumsy and sucky, so use the preferred way and let actors 10-15 be mute. Each line of text you put in creates a speech bubble over the head of the actor who said it. Only one actor can have a speech bubble up at a time, so the script will automatically pause before executing the next speech line until the previous bubble disappears. Bubbles disappear after a brief timeout, or can be cleared by right-clicking in them. Obviously you don't want to cram TOO much into each line, so expect lots of short lines of dialog in a row. The time a bubble will remain, before it auto-pops, depends on how many characters are inside it. Cute Trick - HOST Chat By using the code "H:" at the start of the line, you can put words in the mouth of the scene host. So, say your character is returning to a scene after having achieved his goal. The script detects the token meaning he has killed the dragon, so your actor wants to reward him, but has to say something clumsly like:
How much cooler it is to say instead:
So, in this case the sentence "Why Yes, I ..." appears above the PLAYER'S head, instead of above an actor. It behaves just like a regular actor speech bubble. It's cool. The percent sign symbol (%) is used as a special character. The number following it lets you stick in real-time information about the current players.
For example:
EJECT <conditions required to
remain in party and scene> This command is identical to the PARTY command and lets you define what an acceptable party member should look like, and causes players who do not match that condition to be kicked from the party. A world designer would use this command just before executing a GOTO LINK command where only qualified people were allowed to go. Unlike the PARTY command, this one will also eject the non-members from the scene. As in:
This would kick anyone from the party AND THE SCENE who was not class 5 or did not possess token 23. The conditions are the same as for the IF command, but are evaluated AT THE CLIENT. (cool, huh?) I mean each individual player is checked for their OWN copy of token 23, rather than just riding along on the scene host's token 23 (as the IF command does). To stay in the party,
the condition must evaluate to TRUE for you. |
END This command terminates the execution of a scene script. It does not, however, take you out of the scene and back to the map. (Use GOTO EXIT for that.) You are simply left standing in the scene as it was when the END happens. Any actors in the scene will still be standing where they last were. Please note that you can't use items on yourself (or give things to other players) until the script stops executing. So you have to wait for the scripted portion to END before your sword, spell, or item cursors will begin to 'smoke' again.
For your convenience, the button commands: OFFER, OFFER2, and GAME create buttons which continue to work even after the scene script has ENDed. (Only one such button can be active at a time, however, and it will be the last one executed in the scene script.) |
EVENTS (Asynchronous Events) This is not a command exactly, but a technique for adding value to your scene. Normally when a scene ENDs, that is the end of it, and no more lines of script code will ever be executed. However, as of version A63, there is at least one way to wake a script back up, after it has ENDed. (note: it MUST have ENDed before these EVENTs can do their job) Each Event is defined by a label. The label of the line of script which execution will GOTO when the event takes place. @eventActorClickN This event is triggered when the scene host RIGHT-clicks on an actor in the scene. Each actor has a unique ID number and the actual label which is sought will have that ID number at the end. For example, right-clicking on actor 4 will cause the script to resume at label @eventActorClick4. What you do in response to this event is up to you, but one fun thing to do is use the MENU command to bring up a set of choices appropriate for manipulating the actor in question. Remember than an ACTOR can be anything. A treasure chest, a door, a chair, a fireplace, etc. And MENU options you might provide are OPEN, PICK LOCK, LIGHT FIRE, etc. For example:
Have Fun! @eventActorGiveN This event is triggered when anyone in the scene GIVES AN ITEM OR GOLD to an actor in the scene. Each actor has a unique ID number and the actual label which is sought will have that ID number at the end. The following cookies can be tested inside of the script's event handler:
@eventActorAttackN This event is triggered when anyone in the scene attacks an actor in the scene. Each actor has a unique ID number and the actual label which is sought will have that ID number at the end. This reports physical attacks only. Enchanted swords, for example, actually cast spells and are reported via eventActorSpellN instead The following cookies can be tested inside of the script's event handler:
@eventActorSpellN This event is triggered when anyone in the scene casts a spell on an actor in the scene. Each actor has a unique ID number and the actual label which is sought will have that ID number at the end. This includes all forms of spells, (painful, healing, disease, and curing) so you will need to check the spell ID to test for particular spells, and the individual spell attributes to distinguish element, painfulness etc. The following cookies can be tested inside of the script's event handler:
@eventHostGive This event is triggered when the host in the scene GIVES AN ITEM OR GOLD to the host of the scene. Marginally useless. The following cookies can be tested inside of the script's event handler:
FACE <actor ID#>,
<directionCode> This command causes the specified actor to turn to look a particular direction (it only works if the actor is standing still when you give the command. Otherwise an actor always faces the direction they are walking) Face Direction Codes:
FIGHT <monster ID#s> This command plays out a monster fight within the scripted scene itself. The next scene command is not executed until the results of the fight are known (all heroes dead or all monsters dead). At that point the WIN and LOSE "IF" conditionals will work. You can call out a particular collection of monsters via their IDs from the MONSTERS table, or you can have monsters selected randomly from the current map area monster group. If you provide no arguments, or an asterisk, then the fight will be populated by monsters 'near you on the map' After the fight, the WON conditional will be true if any member of your party still lives. While the ALIVE conditional will only be true if the scene host is still alive. For example:
So here we create 'Zor' in the top center of the screen and he insults us. Then 3 monsters appear as in a regular fight scene (with Zor still standing there watching us). We get one monster #23, and two monster #12s (as defined in the MONSTERS table) After the fight, if the player wins, we jump to label '@youWon' and graciously concede defeat. Otherwise we execute the line following the IF and brag a little, then END the scene. Note that this scene now has two END commands in it. That's OK. The first one we execute ends the scene. Stupid FIGHT tricks: Sticky Fights: Use the opcode FIGHT2 for exactly the same effect, except the scene host is also 'stuck in the fight (similar to a PK Attack) until they stand still without fighting for 20 seconds or so (this is about as close to a forced fight to the death as the game gets) Mercenaries: If you call out a monster by ID, but add a minus sign, as in:
Then that monster will fight on your side (in this case monster ID 4 is the helper against 3 evil monsters) Mixed Stuff to The Max: If you include a '*' as one of the monster IDs, it means "also use monsters from the map", so:
Means you will have a fight with monsters 1, 2, and 3 PLUS whatever a normal fight at this location might have had. Starting Locations For Monsters: You can include an optional .x.y argument to the monster number, which specifies the 0-100 coord on screen for the monsters starting location (in this case the monster will appear at that location immediately and not 'walk on screen') This is useful for giving the illusion of an ACTOR turning into a monster at the same location.
Means monster 1 will start at position (50,75) and monster 2 will start at (25,67) and monster 3 will just walk on in. Pet-Hating Monsters: You can add monsters who will only fight pets (well, any human-friendly monsters in the scene) and not attack humans. Do this by adding a plsu sign in front of the monster.
This monster will only attack human-friendly monsters in the scene (pets and mercenaries). The fight cannot end until all the pet-hating monsters are dead. Scene 2 is the FIGHT SCENE: I hope I am not lying when I say that the FIGHT command in SCENE 2 is what controls all standard map monster fights. (the kind you get drawn into when hunting or walking the map). So anything clever you do in that scene will affect all monster fights. So, you could check what map you were on, what tokens the player had, their spiritual alignment (maybe) etc, and then populate the fight accordingly. This was my intention, in any case, though I never had the courage to try anything radical. Initial Facing Direction When a monster enters the scene, it starts off 'facing' either or right or left (and if it moves, it will turn to face the direction it is moving). You can override the default facing direction through another dotted argument
where a facing value of 0 means "facing to the right" and 1 means "facing to the left" Removing All Monsters from the Scene So, you just did a FIGHT
scene, it ended, and now you want to remove any remaining
monsters from the scene (enemy or friendly, but not
pets). Use "FIGHT 0" |
FIGHT2 <monster ID#s> Identical to the FIGHT command, but the fight is 'sticky' in the sense that the player cannot exit the fight until they either win, die, or have 'stood still' (taken no action) for several seconds (around 20 seconds). This is intended for "Big Boss" fight scenes, where the player is to incur some risk. |
FLAGS <mapFlags> This command sets the effective map flags for the rest of the scene. When you leave the scene, the flags revert to their appropriate value (set by the +MAPS table for each map). This allows you to have a scene which is a little different that what would normally be possibly on a given map, without affecting the map itself. Map flags can be added together for cumulative effect, though some flags will make no sense within a scene.
Use "FLAGS 0" to restore the flags to their natural map values after using the FLAGS command. They will also be restored automatically when you leave the scene. Use the "0x........" form if you are more comfortable merging flags together as a hexadecimal value. |
FX <Effect ID #> This command causes the scene's FX to change. An 'Effect' is something which is done to the background JPEG in real time. The most amazing effect is the now classic lakeside ripple which makes it look like there is water in the foreground. Effects last for the duration of the scene, or until they are changed. Some spells modify the scene's FX and Weather for the duration of the spell cast. For example:
To stop all FX, set the FX to 0. |
GAME <mini-game ID #> Similar to the OFFER button (and you cannot use both OFFER and GAME in the same scene), this results in a GAME button appearing for the player (along the bottom of the screen, in the same spot where the OFFER commands would display the SHOP button). For example:
Pressing that button brings up a mini-game for the player to enjoy while in the scene.
These are all, so far, solo games (since WoS itself is the multiplayer game), but you can enjoy them in the presence of other players. |
GIVE <Object ID#>
This command gives the specified object to all current members of the scene (um, even dead ones I think). Objects are specified the same as in the "IF" command conditionals with a letter followed by a number. Unlike the IF command, however, you can only give one thing per line. (no plus and minus signs please). The HOST form gives the item only to the scene host. The PARTY form gives the item to all member's of the HOSTs party.
To get an item back, use the TAKE command with the same argument. HOST_GIVE is identical, but only the scene host receives it, instead of everyone in the scene.
Probably the primary use of the GIVE command is to give TOKENs which track a player's progress through a quest. The scene script can both give these tokens, as well as test for their presence with the IF Tn command. One token might be given when the player first hears of a quest, another when they achieve the goal of the quest, and a third when they have been rewarded. For example, here is one scene of such a quest.
So, when we visit this scene for the first time, the king checks our pocket for token 21, and if we don't have it he gives it to us and tells us about the dragon, then ends the scene. The next time we visit the scene, we have Token 21, so we jump to @hasHeardQuest where we are checked for token 22 (which we get in some other scene after killing the dragon). If we have T21 but we do not have T22 then the king just reminds us of our quest and ends the scene. When we finally enter the scene with token 22 (killed the dragon), we jump to @killedDragon and the king rewards us with 100 gold pieces (wow!) and gives us token 23 so as to remember we already were rewarded. The next time we enter the scene, we have T21, T22, and T23 so we hop all the way to @hasGottenReward and the king yells at us for being freeloaders. Giving Several Items at once. If you add a <decimalPoint><Qty> to the end, you can give several of the same item in a single command. For example:
This only works for items, not spells, money, etc. |
GOTO @label This command unconditionally jumps to the specified label and then executes the script command on the line following that label. Be careful not to create infinite loops. @labelNames Starting a line of a scene with an @ symbol makes that line a 'label.' Spaces are not allowed in label names. Just use letters and numbers with a single @ in front. The 'scope' of the label is the SCENE it is inside of. So you can use the same label names in different scenes without fear. You cannot jump from one scene to the middle of another. However, the GOTO SCENE command will let you jump from one scene to the beginning of another scene.
Labels are also used by the IF command, which will jump to the label only if a specified condition is true. You might never need an unconditional GOTO since it is easy to structure your scripts to depend entirely upon the IF conditional jump.
This scene will execute commands 1 and 2, then repeat infintely executing commands 3 and 4. This is, of course, bad, and to be avoided. Note: Labels are NOT case-sensitive, so "@hello" is the same as "@HeLLo" |
GOTO EXIT This command causes the players to be booted from the scene and back to the map, as if the scene host pressed their (camp) EXIT button.
At first, you might be confused by the difference between END and GOTO EXIT, but the difference is quite apparent. When the END command is executed, the script engine ceases operation, but you are left in the scene, staring at whatever debris is left over from the script engine's execution. |
GOTO LINK <map #>, <link
#> {, <dropin code>} This command actually moves the character to a position just above the specified link on the specified map. For example:
On evergreen, this would take you on top of the gateway link on the main map. The third argument (optional dropin code), if present and non-zero, causes the player to drop 'into' the link after arriving. What happens after that is a function of the link in question (might do nothing, might go into a scene, might link to a whole different map) So:
On evergreen, this would move the player to just above the gateway link on the main map, and then drop the player INTO the gateway (scene). When the player exited that scene, they would be on the main map just above the gateway. |
GOTO SCENE <Scene ID#> This command lets you jump the player from the current scene into a new scene (which then starts at its beginning.) However, when you exit the scene, you will be at your original location (the place where you dropped into the original scene). This command never changes your current map position. Jumping to a non-existent scene number may not fail gracefully. This is a big deal, so use the power wisely. You might just need a GOTO or IF jump instead of a full-fledged GOTO SCENE. Use this command when you have a significant bit of scripting which you would like to use in more than one place. |
HTML <page name> This command lets you open a web page in the middle of your scene. The script execution is then paused until the player presses the "Return To Game" button on the web panel. The page name can be one of two forms: Local or Web. If it begins with "http://" then it is assumed to be a full URL and the appropriate page will be opened on the world wide web. Otherwise, the name is assumed to be a path and filename to an html file in your world's HTML folder. (You can have sub-folders in your world's HTML folder, but it is your responsibility to make sure all necessary files are properly located for your page to work.) This feature requires WoS version A62 or later. For Example:
IF <id list>, @label This command checks to see if the condition given is TRUE and if so, it jumps to the specified label. Otherwise it just continues with the next scene command. The condition is specified as a list of IDs separated by plus and minus signs. The IDs each start with a unique letter possibly followed by a number. For example "I34" means "Item 34" It is TRUE if the player hosting the scene has item 34 in his or her pocket. "T12" means "Token 12" and usually you will check the presence of tokens to decide which path to take through your scene. If you need two conditions to both be true in order to jump to the label, then list both IDs and separate them by a plus sign. If you use a minus sign in front of an ID, then it is true if the player does NOT have that ID. For example
means: "If the player has Token 12 AND item 15, BUT NOT spell 22, then the condition is true and the jump to label will occur" For example:
In this case, the scene starts by executing command1, and then gets stuck in a loop, executing command2 over and over until the condition is true, allowing it to jump to label2 and execute command3 then leave. The condition we are looking for is "Player has token3 and token 5, but NOT token 4" (and again, only the player who is hosting the scene is checked. tokens and items in the possession of other players in the scene are not important) Remember, all the terms of the equation must be true for the jump to label to occur. The minus signs just invert the sense of their particular terms. Always think of it like this:
"OR" Conditions By popular demand, as of version A84, your conditional expressions can include 'or' clauses using the 'vertical pipe' character: '|' So now you can have compound statements like:
This example will go to @label if:
evaluation proceeds left to right and stops with the first clause which comes up TRUE. All normal conditionals work within the clauses (I just used 'T' because it's easy to type :-)
LOCK 0/1 This command locks (or unlocks) the current scene. While a scene is locked, no new players may enter it. The lock does not prevent party members from following you into a scene. For example:
One perverse use of this command would be to add an ACTOR, which looked like a padlock, to the standard camp scene, and then let a right-click EVENT on that actor toggle the lock state of the camp. |
These commands take an <amount> (an integer, whole number) and operate it with the named cookie, storing the result inside the cookie itself. The result of each operation is also an integer and is rounded off or truncated as necessary.
These operations also set the CONDITION CODE, as if you had followed each by a COMPARE #<cookieName>, "0" For example:
You can say either MOD or MODULUS in your scripts, by the way. The modulus operator may give unexpected results for negative numbers as that is not what it is intended for. So it is really only the 'division remainder' for positive numbers, as in:
I am just passing your wishes along to the c compiler's implementation of the "%" operator (except for mod 0, that I am ignoring). Now, just because you CAN do basic calculator math in WoS, doesn't mean your world SHOULD do calculator math... The main justification for these functions is for looping, as in:
MENU <choice1>,
<choice2>, ... (Available in WoS A63 and later) This causes a popup menu to appear for the scene host. You specify what text goes in the menu. You also provide a label to go to for each possible menu selection. If the host picks one of the menu choices, execution continues at the associated label in the scene's script (just like a GOTO that label) If the user dismisses the menu without choosing one of the menu choices, execution continues with the next line of the script. For example:
The MENU command will not terminate until the user picks something from the menu, or dismisses it. Keep your menus short. I'm not sure exactly how many entries you can have... perhaps 15. Each menu choice is described by a quoted string, like:
Don't forget the quotes. The "=" in the middle separates the label "@pickedHeyBob" from the menu text "Hey Bob!" CheckMarks To add a checkmark on a particular menu item, precent the text with a slash, as in:
Of course, you probably want that / to come and go based on a cookie, and I leave that logic up to you. If the slash is there, the checkmark will be there, otherwise it won't. Maybe later I'll let you include separators, and disabled menu entries by using funky labels.... maybe |
MISSIONS <job#>, <job#>,
... Please see the page I may not have written yet about MISSIONS. Basically a mission is a very simple collection quest. For example:
The mission system allows you to define entire missions with a short list of parameters stored in your world's "mission.ini" file. Check out the evergreen mission.ini file for more details. But for our purposes here, each mission has a unique "Job Number" (so why did I call them missions? It's a long story). The MISSIONS command just adds a button to the scene (like the OFFER command creates a SHOP button), only this button, when pressed, brings up the Missions Dialog where the list of offered missions is shown. Missions can have entrance requirements, so only the jobs for which the host is qualified will appear on the list.
So, if he only qualifies for missions 4, and 6, then he will only see two entries in the list. The hero may then ACCEPT a mission, at which time it appears in his Book of Missions as a mission in progress. He can also ABANDON a mission. Ultimately he can COLLECT REWARD when the mission is completed. He does NOT have to return to the scene which offered the mission in order to collect the reward. This command competes with the OFFER command, so a scene cannot have both a missions button AND a shop button. (The GAMES button also competes). |
MOVE <Actor ID #>, <x>,
<y> {,<mode>} This command tells a previously declared ACTOR to move to a new x, y position on the screen. This is a real time action and it may take them awhile to amble on over. You might need a WAIT command if you want the next scene command to not take place until after they get there. The optional <mode> value controls the nature of the motion. If you don't specify it, it will use mode 0 (normal walking). mode '1' will cause the actor to instantly teleport to the new x,y location (A good way to get a character offscreen in a hurry) For example: SCENE 189, "Palace", SCENE, "Kitchen", 0, 0
Here we start out with ACTOR 1 visible on the left side of the screen and actor 2 is completely invisible (far off screen to right). As of version A74, we now support the following 'mode' values:
Special Actor ID Moves Host If you use 'H' for the actor ID, the move command will cause the scene host to move to the specified location. This is non-binding, in the sense that the host can click to move elsewhere, but it can be nice for things like this:
MUSIC <midi filename> This command causes new music to play (the music is looped so as to play over and over again).
You don't actually need the ".mid" extension here, but it might help you to leave it in. Only .mid files are supported for scene music. The file in question should be located in your World's MIDI folder. If it is missing, then the root WoS MIDI folder is searched instead. If it isn't there either, you get whatever you deserve :-) To silence the music, do this:
OFFER <item>{,<item>,
...} Displays a SHOP button which, when pressed, offers the specified items for sale. Normally a scene does not have a SHOP button until you execute an OFFER command. The OFFER command comes in two flavors, differing in the way you specify the list of items available in the store. The OFFER command takes a simple item list and is best used for specialty stores offering a limited number of items, as in:
Only those seven items will appear when the player presses the SHOP button. Item numbers match to entries in the ITEMS table. If your scene executes more than one OFFER or OFFER2 command, only the most recently executed command will be in effect. (I mean to say, you can't add items to an existing shop by calling OFFER a second time.) |
OFFER2 <minLevel>,
<maxLevel>, <itemClass> Displays a SHOP which offers all defined items between the two levels (with non-zero prices). The optional third argument limits it to items of the specified class. note: only the first 50 or so qualifying items will make it, so don't try for one store to sell EVERYTHING This newer form of the OFFER command is good for shops which provide a large number of items of a particular class. For example, all boots between level 5 and 10 would be:
Where the class number (20 for boots) is set in the ITEMS table 'class' column. You can have your store sell several classes of items at the same time, by including the correct three numbers for each class: <minLevel>,<maxLevel>,<itemClass> As in:
This would offer all class 20 items between levels 5 and 10, all class 21 items between levels 5 and 10, and all class 22 items between levels 1 and 10. (the level limits are inclusive) |
PARTY <conditions required to
remain in party> This command lets you define what an acceptable party member should look like, and causes players who do not match that condition to be kicked from the party. A world designer would use this command just before executing a GOTO LINK command where only qualified people were allowed to go. As in: This would kick anyone from the party who was not class 5 or did not possess token 23. The conditions are the same as for the IF command, but are evaluated AT THE CLIENT. (cool, huh?) I mean each individual player is checked for their OWN copy of token 23, rather than just riding along on the scene host's token 23 (as the IF command does). To stay in the party,
the condition must evaluate to TRUE for you. Note that if
you don't use some command like GOTO LINK after this, you're sort of
wasting it. It won't boot people from the scene who are
not in the party after this, so unless the party moves on
to a new location, you may not notice right away that
anything happened. |
POP cookieName Please see the description of the PUSH command. This pops the topmost value off the cookie stack and puts it into the specified cookie. Do NOT use the #<wrapper> unless you really mean that the wrapped cookie contains the NAME of the cookie into which the popped value should be place. And I very much doubt that you really mean that. If it helps, you can think of this command as meaning:
No, I suppose that doesn't really help all that much. Take comfort in the fact that you are unlikely to ever need to use the cookie stack. If the stack is 'empty' and you POP anyway, you will get the value "" (empty string, which will seem to be 0 if you are treating the cookie as a number). |
POSE <pose> {, pose2, pose3} When you created the ACTOR, you specified both an image file name, and an offset (pose) to a particular image of that file's filmstrip. If you have several images of the same character in that file, this command lets you flip between them for whatever reason you like. For example, I use it to 'morph' the evil witch into her true self. The pose you specify will be held until you specify a different one. HOWEVER, as of version A30, you can specify two additional poses (3 in all, pose1, pose2, and pose3). If you specify the additional poses then the actor will cycle between pose1 and pose2 for approximately equal (but random) amounts of time, with occasional brief displays of pose3. For example, pose1 and pose2 might be a frog looking in different directions, while pose3 shows his toungue flitting out. You cannot currently control the timing, so for critical animations, just use a sequence of POSE commands with appropriate WAIT commands. The advantage of the multi-pose POSE command is that the animation continues even after the script END command, and requires no special scripting. |
PUSH cookieName The PUSH and POP commands are used to tuck cookies away in a safe place when you are going to be doing a lot of CALLs which you know will modify their contents in the course of doing their job, and you want to be able to bring back the original values. You may never need the cookie stack at all. And remember that the cookie stack starts off empty at the beginning of your scene. It is NOT a long-term storage location. If you are unfamiliar with the use of 'stack' in computer terms, the following is probably an insufficient explanation, but here goes. The metaphor generally used is a 'stack of plates'. You can add a new plate to the top of the stack (push) and you can pull the top plate off of the stack (pop), but you can't just pull some plate out of the middle of the stack, without things crashing. Likewise, the stack can be empty (after popping the last plate from the stack), and full (when it hits the ceiling?). IN Quest a stack is full when it has a large number of cookies in it. I won't say how many. It should be enough unless you are being crazy. To add a cookie to the top of the stack, do this:
Note that the CONTENTs of that cookie are pushed on the stack. The cookie itself is not changed. To pull the top most cookie value off of the stack and stick it into a cookie, do this:
And this WILL replace the contents of cookieName with whatever value was on the top of the cookie stack. In general, if you push N things onto the stack, you will later pop N things off, and you will need to do the popping in the opposite order to the pushing. For example, lets assume the stack is empty and we push three cookies to it.
If we could see our invisible stack of dishes right now, it would look like this:
Now pretend do something to damage the contents of cookies A, B, and C, and then want the original values back. We use the POP instruction. The first POP will pull the TOP value off the stack ("original contents of C") and since our goal is to get that back into cookie C, we better do the pops in this order:
So, stare at that for awhile until it makes sense to you. Then you will be a stack master. Stacks can be used for many things, and one silly one is to intentionally mess with the push/pop order so as to intentionally move values around between cookies. Again, you might never need the cookie stack. If you PUSH too much on the stack, it will just start throwing away your PUSHes... um.. or maybe the pushes will replace the top most stack value. Well, you get chaos, which is what you deserve! It is your responsibility to balance every PUSH with exactly one POP. |
RETURN {cookie list} Please see the CALL command for the proper use of this command. It causes 'control to be returned to the line after the CALL instruction which invoked the function in the first place' But just as the CALL instruction will optionally pick up values for cookies "arg0" through "arg9" for you, the RETURN instruction will also set those same cookies for you if you like. For example:
So, in this case we ultimately see actor 1 say "My favorite foods are apple, butter, and cheese" |
SCENE <ID #>, <bkgnd>,
<style>, <name>, <fx>, <weather>,
<colorTable> This command defines the beginning of a scene, and its <Scene ID#> which must be unique. Scenes must be defined within the +SCENES table of the QUEST.TXT file. The scope of a scene begins with this command, and ends with the SCENE command of the next scene in the table, if any. The arguments provided with the SCENE command set up the initial ambient environment of the scene, but can mostly be subsequently changed by other commands. The SCENE command has the following arguments: <ID #> Every scene must have a unique scene number. Link points on maps can call out specific scene numbers. In addition to that several scene numbers are special:
It is advised that you treat scene numbers 0 through 9 as 'reserved' to avoid conflicts with later developments <bkgnd> The background JPG file (from the SCENES folder of the world) to be used as the background image of the scene. Do not include the .JPG extension. <Style> This field is not fully implemented yet, but you would be advised to treat it as if it were. The defined styles are:
Use 'SCENE' for your style if you aren't sure of anything better to use. The CUT scene option is provided so as to allow scripted 'dream sequences' or 'flashbacks' where a story is told via actors and backgrounds, but the player characters themselves are not shown in the scene at the same time. (The player IS still in the scene, just invisible.) <Name> The name of the scene (seen on title bar while in the scene). For example: "Shady's Bar", "Warrior's Creek", etc. <FX> The ID# of the Effect you would like to apply to the scene's background. Use 0 (zero) for none. This argument is optional and is assumed to be 0 (no FX) when absent <Weather> The ID# of the Weather you would like to have the scene start with. Use 0 (zero) for none. While a scene is executing, the player cannot do normal fighting actions, nor use items or spells in general. Link points on the map can be bound to specific scene (by ID number) and that starts execution of the scene. After the first "END" command is executed, the scene is over, but the player is left in the scene viewing it in its final state. At that point the player may use items, magic, and possibly fight other players. This argument is optional and is assumed to be 0 (no weather) when absent. <Color Table> The ID# of the color table to be in effect for all heroes, monsters, and actors in this scene. This allows you to recolor characters based on the location. Darkening them while in caves, tinting them while under-water, etc. This argument is optional and is assumed to be 0 (no coloring) when absent. note: Adding a value of 1000 to the color table index will also turn on 'transparency' in the ghosty-sense (every other pixel of the skin is not draw, leading to the background being seen 'through' the skin. Hence a value of 1023 would mean "color table 23" AND ghosty. |
SEL <Actor ID #> Some commands work on the 'current actor' as opposed to calling one out by name. This command lets you select the current actor by ID number. |
SERVER VARIABLES GET_SERVER_VAR cookieName, categoryName, variableName SET_SERVER_VAR categoryName, variableName, newValue These commands must be used judiciously as they are 'high load' in the server bandwidth sense. They allow you to read and write common variables (act a lot like cookies) which are stored on the MIX server itself (and hence are common to all players attached to that server.) Server Variables are only available in MIX games (not solo, not IPX, etc.) and require the current version of MIX. The server admin can also opt-out of supporting server variables. If variables are not supported, you will get your local cached copy of the variable (from the last server you read it from) or a blank string. On the MIX server, variables are stored in .ini files named after the world in question. Hence the evergreen server variables would be in:
If you were to look inside that file, you would see it (eventually) contained sections (section names are in square brackets) and each section has one or more values
So there are section names (we will call them 'categories') and variable names, and values. Values are text which ultimately you will access via cookies, but can be treated as numbers when you feel like it, just like cookies. Some sections (categories) can be made special by having the section name start with 'admin' Variables in such a category are read-only (can be set only by the mix admin by editing the file directly). Remember, all rights lie with the admin, since he or she is doing YOU the favor of hosting the variables. If you want 'secure' server variables, then you had better host your own MIX server. To read the value of a server variable into a cookie, use the GET_SERVER_VAR command in your script
To set the value of a server variable, use the SET_SERVER_VAR command in your script.
Now if you looked in that file, you would see "MyVariable=Hi, Mom" (note that when setting a variable that has a space in it, I put the whole thing in double quotes.). It is possible that I am mis-leading in my example, since commas might actually be illegal in server variables. So, speaking of legal, I should point out that the characters [, ] and = are definitely completely unacceptable in category names and variable names. I suggest you avoid all punctuation and spaces, except perhaps underscore. You won't go wrong if you stick to american letters and numbers. You have slightly more lattitude in the values themselves, but I would avoid using any thing unusual there anyway. Who knows what a french quote sign will do. Probably not what you want. Finally, remember that these commands not only send packets between you and the server, they also cause packets to be sent to all other players on the server. So don't sit in a loop doing this all day. |
SET <cookieName>,
<cookieValue> This command sets the named cookie to the specified value. A cookie is just a named string variable, stored in the scene host's character file. Once set, you can pull a cookie back out of thin air by using the #<...> syntax. For example:
The 'expression' of cookie values is done BEFORE the command line is interpreted. Hence this line is 'expressed' to mean:
And that is the command which gets executed. Cookies can be quite powerful, and hence dangerous and confusing. Cookie names are up to you for the most part, but they should consist ONLY OF NUMBERS AND LETTER, and NO SPACES OR PUNCTUATION MARKS. Some punctuation marks will have a special meaning in the world of cookies, so keep away. You can also do math with cookies (in which case the string value of the cookie is interpreted as if it were a number.) For example:
Which would have actor one say: "I just did some math, and the answer was 7" You might be confused as to when you need the #<..> markers. I don't know how to explain it any better than: "use the #<..> markers when you are 'reading' a cookie. The commands which 'write' the cookie do not need the markers. However, you CAN do goofy stuff like this:
This will actually save the value "real cookie value" to a cookie named "realCookieName" since before the second line is executed, it will first be 'expressed' as:
If you're not a programmer by nature, this will be confusing for awhile, but it is what makes the cookie system so powerful. For the most part cookies only exist when you SET them. (and only the scene host gets the cookie set), and you shouldn't use a cookie to do the job of a TOKEN. However, there are some cookies which the engine sets for your convenience. These are called STOCK cookies, and you should avoid making cookies of your own with the same name. Here is a summary of all available stock cookies: Here are some implementation notes about some special stock cookies: #<lastAsk> For example, one such stock cookie is #<lastAsk> which gets set to whatever the user typed in response to an ASK command. (You should still use the IF Qword command to evaluate it, but you might also do something like this:
#<KM.alignment> This is a number which is incremented each time you kill a monster with the specified alignment name. (You set alignments in the monster table by adding a .word to the element argument). You are also free to overwrite this as you see fit (thus losing the real value). Normally you are expected to only 'read' this cookie and not 'write' it. Note that alignments should be words, without spaces or punctuation. If your alignment name starts with a number, then the cookie will instead return the number of monsters you have killed of that ID (and you can NOT overwrite that by setting the cookie).
#<num.peopleInScene> This is a truly virtual cookie and can not be SET (well you can try, it just won't affect what you see the next time you read it). My plan is to use the "num." prefix as a hint to you. Remember: I told you no punctuation in cookieNames. *I* get to use as much punctuation as I like, but YOU don't. Anyway, #<num.peopleInScene> counts how many "human players" are in the scene (not monsters, pets, or actors). Players may be alive or dead and will still be counted. For example:
#<num.hostClass> returns the character class number of the scene host. Probably useful for building an effective PARTY command which kicks everyone out who isn't in the host's class...
translates into: (if host is in class 4) and kicks out everyone who is not also in class 4. CHANGING A CHARACTER'S CLASS: As of A64, the num.hostClass can also be SET, thereby changing the class of the scene host. Used with the HIDDEN_CLASS directive in the +LEVELS table, this can be used to morph a character into a class which was not available on the new character dialog. You cannot use this to change a character to a class with a different NO_GIFT setting. And you cannot morph out of a class with a NO_GOLD setting. I'm sorry for these restrictions, but otherwise this would be a hacker field day. The HIDDEN_CLASS command (see levels.txt for comments) can indicate whether the character's level should be changed when its class changes. The character will also receive the new class' START_HAND and START_ELEMENT training, as well as any START_ITEMS, START_SPELLS, and START_TOKENS defined for the new class. No old items, spells, or tokens are removed. #<num.hostLevel> returns numeric level of current scene host. Remember: use the PARTY command if you are trying to trim the scene leader's party of people not deserving to follow a GOTO LINK. #<num.closestLink> Returns the ID number of the nearest link of the current map. You might test this from inside the standard camp scene to add 'local character' to the scene. Perhaps a peddler who only hangs around one town. #<num.mapNum> Returns the ID number of the current map (index used in the MAPS table of the quest.txt file). If you're a world developer, you should know what that means :-) #<str.mapName> Returns the name of the current map.
#<num.hostX> Returns the X and Y values (0-100) of the scene host's location (or target location if in motion). You can use this, for example, to have actors walk right up to a character.
#<num.hostAge> Returns the age (in minutes) of the scene host's character (use hostAgeTotal to get the total minutes played by the host in all characters, all worlds). You might use this to synthesize a 'virtual time of day' for your world. Such that, for example, every 10 minutes of real world time represented one hour of game world time. This time would pause while the player was not playing, and resume when they came back. Please note that this time would in no way be synchronized between players, so in a multiplayer environment, everyone would see a different time of day. In a single scene, the host of that scene would set the time. You would use the math operators to determine a time of day, season of year, or whatever. That way a newly born character could always start in Winter or something you found appropriate in your world. (or you could add a random offset at the beginning, if that's not what you wanted) For example:
OPTIONAL CHARACTER GENDER SUPPORT: #<g.num> This cookie accesses the scene host's character's gender. Worlds may optionally define up to four genders (numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3) and then allow their characters to select a gender at the time of character creation. The script can test for the selected gender via this cookie. By SETting this cookie, the gender of the scene host may be altered. The actual meaning of a gender is definied by the gender.ini file, if present in the world's folder. (See the Evergreen gender.ini file for more details). The primary purpose of gender, is to allow the use of gender-specific language through the use of the #<g.xxx> cookie. When you script says, for example:
What happens is the #<g.xxx> cookies ("he" and "emperor") are searched for in the gender.ini file, and replaced by what is found there. Hence if your gender.ini file contains:
Then if the scene host is of gender 2, the words "she" and "emperess" will be used in the actual scripted dialog. #<num.isPKAttack> This read-only cookie lets you test for the cause of the scene. Oddly enough this only works in the standard CAMP scene (I know you expected to use it in the standard FIGHT scene, but you can't). #<num.itemNNN> This read-only cookie let's you see how many of a particular item the scene host is carrying. For example, say your script wanted to do something special only after the character had collected 10 'dandelion seeds' (Item 37 here)
SET_LEN cookieName, <string> Measures the length of 'string' in characters and stores it in the named cookie. Note that the <string> is usually a cookie. Also remember when writing INTO a cookie, we don't need the #<> wrapper. For Example:
This command is useful in conjunction with the SET_SUBSTR command. |
SET_SUBSTR cookieName,
<offset>, <len>, <sourceString> This lets you extract individual characters from a cookie (and stick them in a different cookie). Think of it as copying a piece of the sourceString into the cookie. The source string is likely to be a cookie itself For example:
REMEMBER: offset starts with ZERO for the first character in the source string, not ONE. Also, since we are WRITING TO the destination cookie, it does not need the #<wrapper> characters. |
SHUFFLE cookieName, numCards This is intended to make it easier to support decks of cards, but also has more general usage. First this command creats a batch of cookies named: "cookieName0", "cookieName1"... "cookieName(N-1)" And it sets a cookie "cookieNameCount" to the value you provided in numCards. If cookies already existed with these names, they are blown away and replaced. numCards must be between 1 and 100. (well, maybe 255 if I relented. I forget already!) the CONTENTS of each cookie is a number between zero and numCards-1. So the index of the cookie can be thought of 'card number in deck' and the value of the cookie can be thought of 'actual cardId at that spot in the deck' Note that this is just a way of sorting the numbers 0 to N-1, and it is up to you to provide any additional meaning, like "4 represents the 4 of hearts" (you might use a developer table for that, in fact) Examples:
Of course, it doesn't
have to be cards |
SOUND <WAV filename> This command causes a .WAV file to be played. It is NOT looped.
You need the ".wav" extension here, I think. The file in question should be located in your World's SFX folder. If it is missing, then the root WoS SFX folder is searched instead. If it isn't there either, you get whatever you deserve :-) |
STRCMP <string1>,
<string2> This command causes compared the first string to the second and determines whether they are equal. It is NOT case sensitive.
STRSTR <string1>,
<string2> This command checks to see if string2 occurs somewhere within string1. Case is NOT important.
NOTE: use IF= to see if the string was NOT inside the other. It's odd, but it's easier to remember the behaviour if you are a 'c' programmer, since strstr returns NULL if the string is not found. You can use cookies with this, of course, to see if string 2 is inside a cookie, as in:
And if you are asking... what about STRCAT? Just do this:
TAKE <Object ID#>
This command removes an object from all players in the scene. The objects are the same as those defined in the GIVE command. This is a pretty mean command. The HOST_TAKE command is identical, but only the scene host's pockets are picked. The PARTY version takes from all member's of the host's party.
Taking Multiple Items at Once By adding a <period><quantity> to the end, you can take several of the same items at once. For example:
This only works for items, not spells, gold, etc. |
THEME <Sound Theme ID#> This command turns on and off the background ambient sound effects in the scene. (the initial theme can be started automatically as part of the SCENE command arguments)
If no theme ID given, then use theme from the nearest link point on the map.
To turn off a theme, select theme 0 (zero). |
TIMER <id#> <seconds> Timers are used to generate timer events, which wake an ENDed scene back up after some number of seconds. You can specify up to ten timers at once (using IDs 0-9). Timers ONLY take effect if the scene has ENDed, and their only effect is to wake the scene back up at the specified label.
Timer Cookies:
Special Timer Tricks:
TOKEN <Token ID#>, <Token
Description> This assigns a text description to the token ID#. While you don't need to do this, you might find it helps you to remember what individual tokens mean. Also, the description, if given, is shown in the Quest Diary if the player has acquired that token, and hence acts as both a reminder of past accomplishments, and of hints picked up along the way.
This command is a bit different than the others, since it is evaluated only when the world is loaded, not when the scene is executed. Hence you may have this command anywhere within your SCENE table of the quest.txt file. Even outside of the boundaries of a scene per se. The FunPak will warn you if you have used the same token number twice (in that case, the final definition encountered as the world is loaded will take precedence). |
WAIT <seconds> This command lets you put in a little pause before the next command is executed. As in:
This creates 'Dave" on the lower left of the screen and then starts him walking to the lower right. 3.5 seconds after starting his walk (whether he has finished it or not) his speech bubble pops up. Although you can enter an arbitrary number of seconds (for example: .005 for 5 milliseconds), you shouldn't expect any tremendously precise timing if your wait is less than a hundred milliseconds or so. On the other hand, if your scene script needs a pause between two actions (say an actor changes their POSE) don't depend on the execution speed of the script engine being 'slow enough.' Stick in an explicit WAIT wherever you actually need one. |
WEATHER <Weather ID#> This command causes the scene's weather to change. Weather is drawn 'on top' of all actors, so it appears in front of them, as it were. The quality of the weather effects varies (I am proud of snow, however, especially how it sticks to the ground while you're in the scene). Feel free to suggest other forms of weather. For example:
Often, weather will be more effective if used in conjunction with an FX.
The colored snow and static weather options require a 3 digit color ID. This is the index of the desired color in the WoS standard color palette. (This palette can be found in the file c:\WoS\art\souls.pal in a default installation. Here is a decoder table to help you pick the desired color: Standard Palette Color Indices: |
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