* NEW QUEST LANGUAGE COMPARISON COMMANDS.Fairly simple and brain damaged, I document by example:
IF= @theyAreEqual
IF> @AbiggerThanB
IF< @AlessThanB
The COMPARE command subtracts B from A and saves the result in a special place which doesn't get munged until the next time you use the COMPARE command (or one of the new math commands: ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV and MOD)
The three IFx commands test that special result and jump to the label if the result was as indicated. So your IFx command doesn't HAVE to immediately follow the COMPARE command, though I suspect it generally will.
Arguments A and B are interpreted as signed decimal numbers. For now you are stuck with constants and cookies. So, you can do:
COMPARE #<cookie>, "2"
COMPARE #<cookie1>, #<cookie2>
But you can NOT (yet at least) say:
COMPARE I143, "3"
but I am walking slowly in that direction.
[This message has been edited by samsyn (edited 06-20-2001).]