Dunno about your browser issues, LP, it "works for me"I'm guessing you just had the luck of trying during one of the MANY times my web server has been down or wacky.
I got an email from my web host and they PROMISE they have PERMANENTLY FIXED my server.
24 hours with no downtime so far, so I guess I BELIEVE!
A Note about Karma and Honor:
Yes, the chess score rating thing has taken over some stuff which I was waving my hands in the direction of karma about. Bear in mind that the whole honor/karma thing will take forever and a day to figure out and could end up being so hopelessly complicated that everyone found it totally repellent.
So, following many people's suggestion to keep things simple (ouch, Josh, let go my arm!) here are TODAY'S SIMPLE THOUGHTS:
1.) The 'rating' has nothing to do with snertish-ness or levels or karma or honor or anything. It's just a rating which rewards fighting (and winning) against peers. It is a POSITIVE FEEDBACK MECHANISM, as opposed to an attempt to punish snertishness. Hopefully all the snerts will be very competitive about gaining status through rating and ladder ranks.
The rating system is easy to understand and will hopefully be a happy joy joy solution to one set of problems.
[and example of a BAD solution would be to have the ladder ranks based on total PKs, which would encourage newbie hunting, where the chess rating discourages newbie hunting]
2.) HONOR is still supposed to detect snertishness and to reward the lack thereof by allowing higher than normal levels. (note how I phrase that? It's not that I am PUNISHING snertishness with low levels, I am REWARDING nonsnertishness Spin, man, it's all about spin!)
3.) KARMA is sort of in limbo, having had its thunder stolen by the chess rating. Karma was not supposed to be honor. As it is, Karma will probably end up being the visible name of honor (I never liked the word 'honor')
So, chess ratings is a DONE DEAL, but honor/karma is still mostly vaporware.
As to the bad language issue, I think the extremely simple "noBleep = 1" server rule will actually be the simple and elegant solution.
SO, to recap:
SIMPLE: Chess ratings, lead to diminishment of newbie hunting
SIMPLE: Server NoBleep Rule, leads to diminishment of swearing on servers that don't approve.
COMPLEX: Honor/Karma drive some wacky meter, control some wacky bounty, affect your max level.
I'll keep pulling bits out of the complicated pile and move them into simple piles as best I can, and thank you all for your encouragement.